I’ve got prostate cancer and can answer all the questions you’re too embarrassed to ask: From extreme pain to needle guns in undignified areas and penis pumps – Dead Ringers creator JON HOLMES explains all

It’s not just Devon: Map reveals faeces contaminated tap water has been detected in TEN areas of England and Wales as experts warn that ongoing cryptosporidium outbreak could spread

From Scottish mountains to a French village perched on a cliff edge and blockbuster Irish cliffs, stunning photo book unveils incredible ‘living laboratory’ Unesco geoparks – areas of breathtaking geological significance

The 6 Best TV Antennas for Rural Areas in 2024

Britain’s hidden RAINFORESTS: Incredible maps reveal the beautiful ancient habitats dotted across the UK – as experts warn they’re some of the most endangered areas in the world

Car theft hotspots: Areas with the highest ratio of vehicles stolen last year – find out the risk level for your motor outside your home

Access all areas this summer: Beach ramps, pool hoists, off-road wheelchairs – there’s a wealth of new innovations for those with a disability

Heatwave to scorch UK with 85F blast for six days as maps pinpoint hottest areas | Weather | News

Top 10 areas where house prices have dropped and increased

Interactive map reveals areas with the most sluggish internet speeds are – how bad is your area?