Heatwave to scorch UK with 85F blast for six days as maps pinpoint hottest areas | Weather | News

Hot weather is likely to make a comeback as the UK will witness a scorching heatwave with an 85F blast for almost six days, as per the weather maps. WXcharts shows that the temperature levels in the country will touch around 30C after days of thunderstorms and strong winds.

Weather maps indicate that the southern part of the nation will witness the maximum temperature levels with parts of the Midlands and South West reaching the highest levels.

The shift in the weather comes from earlier heatwaves in Portugal and Spain. Mercury in the UK will peak at 28C in London but will hover around the mid-to-high twenties in the rest of England and Wales.

Scotland and Northern Ireland look set for notably cooler conditions as temperatures range from just 10C to 20C.

Maps will turn red after August 11 and continue to stay glowing until around August 17.

The long-range forecast by the Met Office for August 8 to 17 suggested: “Still fairly unsettled, cool and breezy at the start of this period, with showers and longer spells of rain for most parts of the UK.

“Through the middle of the week, a change in weather pattern looks to occur, with northwest-southeast split developing.

“This means breezy and occasionally wet weather affecting the northwest, courtesy of Atlantic frontal systems, whilst predominantly dry and somewhat warmer weather than of late develops further south and east as pressure rises.

“Towards mid-August, probably remaining changeable overall, though with high pressure perhaps becoming more dominant compared to recent weeks.

“After a cool start, temperatures should recover somewhat to values close to or even a little above average at times, especially in the south.”

By the second half of the month, there is a greater chance of more settled spells developing over time.

Netweather.tv’s long-range forecast, covering August 7-29, shows brief, settled spells around the middle of the month.

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