South Parks neueste Folge „Deep Learning“ wurde von ChatGPT mitgeschrieben

Die Macher von South Park nutzten ChatGPT von OpenAI, um die neueste Episode mit dem Titel „Deep Learning“ zu erstellen.

Die vierte Folge von Staffel 26 zeigt mehrere Jungen aus Stans Klasse, die den Chatbot verwenden, um Aufsätze zu schreiben und Textnachrichten an Mädchen zu senden – und der Abspann zeigt, dass es „von Trey Parker und ChatGPT geschrieben“ wurde.

Die KI generierte eine von Stan gehaltene Rede, die durch ihren roboterhaften Sound auffällt, in der der Junge argumentiert, warum Menschen nicht für die Verwendung von ChatGPT verantwortlich gemacht werden sollten.

„Es sind die riesigen Technologieunternehmen, die Open AI genommen, verpackt, monetarisiert und so schnell wie möglich an uns alle weitergegeben haben, um voranzukommen“, sagte der Charakter.

Und mehrere Textnachrichten, die Stan an seine Freundin schickte, wurden ebenfalls von ChatGPT generiert.

Die vierte Folge von Staffel 26 zeigt mehrere Jungen aus Stans Klasse, die den Chatbot verwenden, um Aufsätze zu schreiben und Textnachrichten an Mädchen zu senden – und der Abspann zeigt, dass es „von Trey Parker und ChatGPT geschrieben“ wurde.

„Deep Learning“ beginnt damit, dass die Schüler der South Park Elementary entdecken, dass sie ChatGPT verwenden können, um ihre Hausaufgaben und Schulaufgaben für sie zu erledigen.

Stan bemerkt, dass Clyde sich kürzlich mit den Damen gut versteht und fragt ihn, warum er so gut darin ist, zu wissen, was er Bebe schreiben soll [Clyde’s girlfriend,’ with hopes he can reconciling with Wendy.

‘ChatGPT, dude,’ said Clyde. ‘there’s a bunch of apps and programs you can subscribe to that use OpenAI to do all your writing for you. 

‘People use them to write poems, write job applications, but what they’re really good for is dealing with chicks.’

Stan is hesistant at first, but ultiamtely uses ChatGPT to text Wendy, who then swoons over the messages.

The episode also highlights how the students are passing all their assignments with the help of ChatGPT. 

Much of the episode was written by Parker, but the last few minutes is believed to be the work of the chatbot when Wendy discovers the messages from Stan were generated by AI.

Stan asks ChatGPT to ‘write a story that takes place in South Park where a boy named Stan has to convince his girlfriend that its ok he lied about using AI to text her.

Much of the episode was written by Parker, but the last few minutes is believed to be the work of the chatbot when Wendy discovers the messages from Stan were generated by AI

Much of the episode was written by Parker, but the last few minutes is believed to be the work of the chatbot when Wendy discovers the messages from Stan were generated by AI

Stan sent a query to ChatGPT, which begins 'thinking' and in seconds, replies with a whimsical tale that is heard read by the AI in the show

Stan sent a query to ChatGPT, which begins ‘thinking’ and in seconds, replies with a whimsical tale that is heard read by the AI in the show

‘Everything turns out ok because he tells everyone that it isn’t his fault and in the end everyone agrees with him and his girlfriend totally forgave him.’

Stan sent the query to ChatGPT, which begins ‘thinking’ and in seconds, replies with a whimsical tale.

‘Once upon a time, there was a boy named Stan who lived in South Park. Stan loved his girlfriend very much, but lately he hadn’t been truthful with her. One day, when Stan got to school, he was approached by his best friend,’ the response read.

Stan then finds out Wendy was found using ChatGPT by teachers who were in an uproar over the ‘cheating.’

‘Look, everyone, we can’t blame people who are using ChatGPT. It’s not their fault,’ he said wailing his arms.

 ‘Well, whose fault is it?’ Mr Garrison replied.

The AI generated a speech presented by Stan, which is noticeable due to its robotic sound, in which the boy argues why people should not be blamed for using ChatGPT

The AI generated a speech presented by Stan, which is noticeable due to its robotic sound, in which the boy argues why people should not be blamed for using ChatGPT

‘I’ll tell you who. It’s the giant tech companies who took open AI, packaged it, monetized it, and pushed it out to all of us as fast as they could in order to get ahead. 

‘OpenAI is so powerful that it has to be something that everyone can use, control, and contribute to.

‘Or else AI will be controlled by corporations who just want an unfair advantage like Cartman does.’

Parker and Stone have previously expressed interest in AI, as the duo secured a $20 million investment in their AI studio Deep Voodoo in December 2022.

But it does highlight the progress of artificial intelligence, but also sparks fear that the chatbot is poised to take over numerous jobs.

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