Russia blames Ukraine as drone hits Moscow skyscraper – POLITICO

A drone struck a business district in downtown Moscow overnight, the Russian defense ministry said Tuesday.

The drone “was suppressed by electronic warfare equipment and, having lost control, crashed on the territory of a complex of nonresidential buildings in Moscow city,” the ministry said in a statement.

Two other drones “were destroyed in the air by air defense means over the territory of the Odintsovo and Narofominsk districts of the Moscow region,” the ministry added, saying it held Ukraine responsible for the attack.

According to Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, no one was injured in the attack, but a skyscraper in a business district was “damaged.”

The targeted building had already been hit by another strike in the early hours of Sunday, Sobyanin said.

Moscow’s international Vnukovo airport was temporarily closed Tuesday morning as a result of the nearby attacks, Russia’s state-owned newswire TASS reported.

This is the latest in a series of drone attacks deep inside Russian territory.

Moscow has blamed Kyiv for these, while Ukrainian officials have largely avoided taking responsibility for strikes carried out in Russia.

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