Only those with a high IQ can spot the hidden shower in this brainteaser in 23 seconds | UK | News

A new brainteaser has left puzzlers baffled after initially appearing easy.

Players are challenged to find a hidden shower among a crowded display of household items including baths, washing machines and hair dryers.

And to make it even harder, the designers have challenged people to find it in less than 23 seconds, claiming no one has managed to do so.

As the brainteaser puts perception skills to the test – could you be the fastest to solve the mind-boggling graphic?

While most people are familiar with what a shower looks like, this puzzle makes it extremely difficult to spot while looking at similar objects.

Mira Showers designed the tricky puzzle to celebrate the release of their new electric shower range with prices starting from £190. 

If you’re struggling to find the bathroom appliance, try looking towards the lower left corner above the hanging towel.

Stephanie Matthews, from Mira Showers, said: “A good puzzle is a great way to enjoy some valuable time to yourself and clear your mind.”

The shower can be seen in the bottom left hand corner. Did you manage to find it in the allotted time?

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