New mum devastated after being told she has just two years to live days after giving birth | UK | News

A mum-of-four was given the devastating news that she had less than two years to live just days after giving birth to her daughter.

Sabrina Cahoon, from Cragavon, Northern Ireland, started to experience severe back pain during her pregnancy that left her going back and forth to the hospital.

At 30 weeks pregnant, Sabrina was admitted to hospital in severe pain where she was immediately transferred to the intensive care unit.

The 45-year-old was told that she needed to give birth on June 17 at 31 weeks pregnant while put in an induced coma. She then had CT scans which left doctors extremely concerned.

Her friend Joanne told BelfastLive: “They transferred her to the Royal Victoria Hospital to a lung specialist for them to have a further look, to see what was going on. They suspected cancer and also needed to drain the fluid from her lung, while her new baby Billie stayed in Craigavon Area Hospital.

“On June 29 they took Sabrina to theatre to put a drain into her lung and take the biopsy. A few days later she was moved back to Craigavon to be with her new baby so she could spend time with her whilst waiting on the results.”

On July 5, Sabrina’s life was turned upside down when she was diagnosed with synovial sarcoma on her lung with a possibility that it was on her liver. Her diagnosis is terminal, with a devastating outlook.

Her family and friends are now fundraising to grant Sabrina her dying wish to take her sons to Japan – somewhere they have always longed to go.

“They have said it will be one and a half years at most but they don’t think Sabrina will last that long,” Joanne added.

“Sabrina’s lifelong dream was to take her two sons to Japan so this is my plea to raise some money to give her, her last wish and her boys some memories to treasure of their last few months with their mum. Even the smallest donation will be greatly appreciated.

“If Sabrina doesn’t get to live out her wish, whatever donated will be used towards her funeral and whatever expenses arise with her young family. She’s one of the most caring loving people in this world and was definitely the last person who ever deserved any bit of this. I’d love to tell her in time that her wish is going to come true that she will get to experience one last bit of happiness with her boys.”

Joanne said Sabrina has been blown away by the kindness of strangers who have began to donate to her fundraiser. She appealed to anyone who can help, through donations of money, of baby items including milk and nappies, to reach out through the GoFundMe page.

Please click this link to donate to the fundraiser for Sabrina Cahoon.

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