‘My parents abandoned me when they saw my face’ | UK | News

A man born with a rare genetic condition that affects the appearance of his face has shared his inspiring story of how he beat the odds to build a successful life for himself. Jono Lancaster, 38 from West Yorkshire was born with Treacher Collins Syndrome, a condition caused by a mutation in a specific gene that prevents the bones and tissues in a person’s face from properly developing.

According to the National Organisation for Rare Disorders, the congenital condition affects between 1 in 10,000 and 1 in 50,000 individuals in the general population.

Jono revealed how he was abandoned by his parents just 36 hours after he was born, leaving him alone in the hospital and in the care of social services who were quickly forced to find him a home.

He was later adopted and fostered by his mother Jean after which his life took a dramatic turn.

He still had his share of struggles but Jono has still found a way to inspire countless others with his remarkable story.

Two weeks after Jono was born in October 1984 he was introduced to his adoptive mother Jean Lancaster. Jean, now 81, was a single mother who had previously adopted other children with disabilities and opened up her home to people needing respite.

He told MailOnline: “She always told me that she couldn’t help but smile when she first saw me and she felt an instant connection when she held me.

“I have always known I was adopted and we always have a party every year on May 18 to celebrate that day.

“I would tell my friends ‘My parents chose me. Your mum and dad got stuck with you but mine chose me’.”

Jono thought of reaching out to his birth parents in his 20s to let them know that he was happy and really enjoying his life.

He said: “I was in a really good place in life. I wanted to reach out to them to let them know that I was OK and was open to meeting them

“I spoke to those around me at the time, and I felt supported enough to do it. I sat down with an after-adoption agency who shared all my records with me and together we sent them a letter stating that I was OK and open to meeting.

“Two weeks later we got a letter back and simply said: ‘Regarding this subject, we do not want any contact and further attempts will be ignored’ and they both had signed it.

“It hurt, but I took pride in that I tried and with that support that I had around me and the mindset that I had, I went on in life full of love and greatful for the life that they gave me.”

He said that his biggest coping mechanism was dealing with his looks.

He added: “Every time I saw my reflection I would look at myself with all that anger and hate. I ended up just stopping looking at myself in the mirror.”

In 2019, Jono launched his own charity called the Love Me Love My Face Foundation, which seeks to raise awareness for Treacher Collins syndrome and other craniofacial conditions.’

The charity also helps support individuals and families as well as educate people about Treacher Collins and how it might impact those who have it.

He now spends a lot of his time as a motivational speaker, giving talks to a range of groups keen to hear more about his remarkable story, from young pupils at school, to people that may often feel cut off or marginalised from society.

He said he has done talks to people from “all walks of life” and from all over the world, including countries such as Argentina, Chile, Mexico, America, Canada, Norway, Germany, Ghana, Ukraine.

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