Man Utd icon Paul Scholes’ prank on Cristiano Ronaldo revealed after eyeing Real Madrid | Football | Sport

Cristiano Ronaldo took the world by storm during the 2007/2008 campaign, recording 42 goals and eight assists in all competitions to help spearhead a remarkable season for Manchester United that saw the Red Devils win the Premier League and Champions League double. His sensational form caught the eye of many potential suitors including Real Madrid.

The Portuguese star made no secret about his desire to join the Spanish giants but was persuaded to stay for one more season by Sir Alex Ferguson. When word got back to Paul Scholes that he was looking to secure a move away from Old Trafford, the Salford sensation took the opportunity to play a prank on his teammate.

Former coach Rene Meulensteen recalls in his autobiography how Scholes made Ronaldo wear a white bib in training for the entire season after expressing that his dream was to play for Los Blancos. “He quite openly wanted to join Real Madrid, but the boss had convinced him to stay an extra year. Credit to him because as soon as that decision was reached, it was business as usual. No sulking.

“The players took it in good humour. The first day back in training, Scholesy said to him, ‘Seeing as you wanted to go to Real Madrid so bad, you can wear a white bib all season.’ Cristiano was great for us, and I think in hindsight he would have been happy he did stay with us for that extra year.”

When Ronaldo joined Man Utd from Sporting Lisbon in 2003, his immense talent was clear to see. Though it would take him some time to get into his groove and realise his full potential. When Meulensteen became first-team coach in 2007, he knew where Ronaldo was headed and he recalls a conversation between the pair that shaped the future five-time Ballon d’Or winner’s career.

“That individual talent was clear in the form of Ronaldo. By the end of February, he’d already scored 30 goals in all competitions. ‘I know exactly what you want,’ I remember saying to him in one of our sessions. ‘Oh yeah?’

“‘I’ll say it. You want to be the best player in the world. And not once. Not twice. You want to establish yourself as one of the greatest of all-time… and that’s great. You have a focus. You have an aim. And people who have an objective are much more successful than people who do not. So, the question is, where you are going and where you want to be, will you be considered that way tomorrow?’

“‘No,’ he admitted. ‘Next week?’ ‘No.’ ‘Next month?’ ‘No.’ That’s where the different conversations came in. He needed to be more effective in the deployment of his incredible gifts. He needed to score more goals to help United win more games. If he did that then United would surely win more trophies. And winning more trophies is part of the sequence of achieving greatness.

“His form was incredible. Multiple times he scored twice in games to put us in control early on. He had embraced what he needed to do. Chances were turned into goals. The perfect goals he wanted arrived, as I had assured him. The free-kicks he scored against Sunderland and Portsmouth were breath-taking. It was not a surprise to me or any of us who saw him every day.

“He was relentless. Get better. Score more goals. Win more games. Get better. Score more goals. Win more games. He reached his target of 30 against Newcastle in February. ‘Great,’ I said to him after. ‘You’ve done that, but now you’ve got March, April, and May. What’s next?’

“‘I’m going to try to reach your target,’ he said, referring to my opinion that he should get 40 goals. I’d made a DVD for him titled From Good to Great. I wanted to get him into a mental state to maintain his incredible form and still look to improve each time he went out.

“I asked him to watch the DVD three times – the first to just watch. The second to focus on the words and quotes that were said. The third and final time was to analyse the clips and to consider why I’d chosen them. The purpose was to sharpen the perspective that he was so important as an individual to make the team achieve what they wanted – but without the team, he was nothing.”

Rene Meulensteen: United, Sir Alex And Me, published by Reach Sport £18.99, is on sale August 10th from Amazon and all good book shops.

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