‘I’m so happy’: Kim Kardashian sheds tears of joy as she passes the baby bar

Kim Kardashian celebrated two huge personal victories on the sixth episode of The Kardashians – passing the ‘baby bar exam’ and helping secure clemency for Julius Jones.

The 41-year-old reality star had been studying furiously for the exam throughout the early episodes of the Hulu series, finding out – at Red Lobster of all places – that she passed.

She also found out that Julius Jones – an Oklahoma prisoner who has spent over 20 years on death row for a murder he insists he didn’t commit – will not be executed, after a big push to grant him clemency. 

Victorious: ‘I’m so happy’: Kim Kardashian sheds tears of joy as she passes the baby bar and celebrates with North at Red Lobster… after helping secure clemency for Julius Jones

Passed: The 41-year-old reality star had been studying furiously for the exam throughout the early episodes of the Hulu series, finding out - at Red Lobster of all places - that she passed

Passed: The 41-year-old reality star had been studying furiously for the exam throughout the early episodes of the Hulu series, finding out – at Red Lobster of all places – that she passed

Towards the start of the episode, Kim meets with Scott Budnick, the founder of the Anti-Recidivism Coalition, who Kim has been working with over the past few years to help commute unjust prison sentences.

‘Scott Budnick is a good friend of mine and he’s really dedicated his life to prison reform. He’s the first person who brought me to a prison,’ Kim says in confession.

She added that, ‘once I realized I could make a difference, it was really hard to stop.’

Scott and Kim: Towards the start of the episode, Kim meets with Scott Budnick, the founder of the Anti-Recidivism Coalition, who Kim has been working with over the past few years to help commute unjust prison sentences

Scott and Kim: Towards the start of the episode, Kim meets with Scott Budnick, the founder of the Anti-Recidivism Coalition, who Kim has been working with over the past few years to help commute unjust prison sentences

Scott asks Kim what she wants to do once she passes the ‘baby bar exam,’ which she recently took after failing multiple times before, with this being her last chance.

‘I think it would be cool to start a firm that does just justice reform and only hires formerly incarcerated people,’ Kim tells him, which he says is, ‘so cool.’

‘Just do stuff like help fund cases and help fund getting an investigator,’ she tells scott, before adding more in confession.

Fund: 'Just do stuff like help fund cases and help fund getting an investigator,' she tells scott, before adding more in confession

Fund: ‘Just do stuff like help fund cases and help fund getting an investigator,’ she tells scott, before adding more in confession

‘I really invest in the people I work with, especially on death row cases,’ she added, before revealing one of the cases she worked on involving a man named Brandon Bernard.

They show video-conferencing footage with Kim talking to Brandon, where she says that she really believes in him, ‘and I’ll do anything I can to help stop this.’

Kim adds that she got to know him, ‘really well in his last few days,’ as we see footage of her chatting on the phone with him.

She added that she posted stuff on social media, ‘because he really wanted me to share his story,’ as they show tweets she posted about Brandon and footage of a phone conversation with famed lawyer Alan Dershowitz – one of the ‘dream team’ lawyers alongside Kim’s father, Robert Kardashian, on O.J. Simpson’s defense team.

She tells him that Brandon is, ‘the sweetest guy ever,’ as Alan tells her, ‘If you save a single human life, it’s as if you saved the whole world.’

Kim adds in confession that, ‘sometimes we’re able to stop it, and sometimes we’re not,’ as it’s revealed that Brandon was executed on December 10, 2020.

Sometimes: Kim adds in confession that, 'sometimes we're able to stop it, and sometimes we're not,' as it's revealed that Brandon was executed on December 10, 2020

Sometimes: Kim adds in confession that, ‘sometimes we’re able to stop it, and sometimes we’re not,’ as it’s revealed that Brandon was executed on December 10, 2020

Kim is seen speaking on the phone with Brandon on the day of his execution, as Kim is seen wiping tears away.

‘I was his last call,’ she says in confession, as Brandon tells her, ‘But you don’t gotta be sad,’ though Kim admits in confession, ‘I couldn’t hold it in.’

‘The fact that he was calming me down from crying was really… it broke my heart. He was executed, we weren’t able to stop it, but this is why I do what I do, because the system is so broken. I think my goal is just sharing the process, so that people can see what our system is really like, and how inhumane the death penalty really is,’ Kim said in confession.

‘I have to fight harder to make sure this does not happen to someone else,’ Kim says, as the episode transitions back to Kim telling Scott she can’t stop thinking about Julius Jones.

Fight harder: 'I have to fight harder to make sure this does not happen to someone else,' Kim says, as the episode transitions back to Kim telling Scott she can't stop thinking about Julius Jones

Fight harder: ‘I have to fight harder to make sure this does not happen to someone else,’ Kim says, as the episode transitions back to Kim telling Scott she can’t stop thinking about Julius Jones

She tells him that the invitations to the execution were sent to his family and he was about to be executed by the state of Oklahoma in just three days, as some of Kim’s tweets about Julius are shown.

She adds that the parole board has recommended twice that Julius have his sentence commuted to life without the possibility of parole.

Kim tells Scott that she, ‘can’t imagine’ being in that scenario, adding that, ‘we are no more than just one choice off of a really f***ed up life.’

Kim reveals in confession that Julius Jones has been on death row for over 20 years and, ‘a lot of people believe him to be an innocent man on death row.’

They show clips from media outlets discussing the case, while Kim explains they are seeking clemency, ‘where the governor or the President can reduce someone’s sentence, or even grant a pardon.’

Can't imagine: Kim tells Scott that she, 'can't imagine' being in that scenario, adding that, 'we are no more than just one choice off of a really f***ed up life'

Can’t imagine: Kim tells Scott that she, ‘can’t imagine’ being in that scenario, adding that, ‘we are no more than just one choice off of a really f***ed up life’

More news clips are shown that reveal Jones’ lawyers are arguing evidence that could have exonerated Jones was ‘overlooked’ and his family says Jones was home the night of the murder.

Kim also explained, ‘I think what got to me is he was hanging out with his friends. There’s a lot of evidence that his co-defendant planted evidence and then plead guilty and got a lesser charge.’

‘I always try to think of a case and try to think what would I do if this was my son,’ she adds in confession, before telling Scott she is ‘so scared’ for her sons Psalm and Saint ‘to be teenagers, just hanging around the wrong people.’

‘I tell them all the time just that it’s who you hang around,’ she tells Scott, adding in confession that her and Scott teamed up, ‘to fight for Julius.’

She tells Scott that she is going to post on social media that there is a defibrillator there to revive him if he has a heart attack.

‘They must revive him so they can kill him. Yeah, it’s crazy. That’s what’s in the handbook,’ she tells Scott, who says, ‘that’s just so insane to me.

He asks what Kim’s father Robert Kardashian would think of her doing this work, insisting, ‘He would be so damn proud.’

‘He would be. He would get a kick out of it. He would be like, ‘You’re insane,’ because he used to tell me, ‘You don’t want to do this.’ He said to me, ‘You’re so vain, you are not going to want to be an attorney and you’ll have so many f***ing wrinkles because the stress and you’ll stay up all night. He’s like I know you, you don’t want this job,’ Kim tells Scott.

Scott adds, ‘Look at how much you’ve changed, willing to take the wrinkles,’ as Kim jokes, ‘Yeah, well I was gonna say thank god for Botox, but yeah.’

Kim is later seen heading into the Anti-Recidivism Coalition – the organization Scott Budnick formed – as Kim admits she hasn’t been there in awhile.

‘Scott Budnick has dedicated his money and his time and his resources to starting ARC, which basically is a program where, when people get out of prison, they can come to him for a job, for a place to stay,’ Kim says in confession.

She adds that her and Scott have been working on Julius’ case for over two years and they are trying to do, ‘everything we can to stop’ his execution.

She adds that her and Scott make ‘a vision board type mood board of who we think would be important.’

The board features a list of names and institutions they plan to call on for support, with Kim adding they want, ‘anyone who can be influential to the governor and to help get our message across.’

Kim says she wants to do a Zoom call and she can get a group of 35 different celebrities, with Scott suggesting that they invite Julius’ family to come and talk about ‘Julius and his character.’

Kim reiterates in confession that the parole board has recommended clemency to the governor twice, ‘which is really rare,’ adding the governor can, ‘accept that and grant him clemency or the governor can do nothing and the execution will continue.

‘This is a life or death situation,’ Kim explains, as Scott and her start calling and texting the people on their vision board to spread awareness.

Scott says he will call J. Cole and Snoop Dogg, while Kim will text Demi Lovato, Katy Perry, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jake Gyllenhaal and Amy Schumer and James Corden.

A small section of the board is shown with more celebrity names such as Blake Shelton, Ashley Graham, Dr. Oz, Addison Rae and Van Jones.

Kim admits in confession that Julius really wants his sentence changed to time served, since he’s been in jail for the past 20 years.

Kim reveals she’ hosting the call with Common, while others such as John Legend and Mandy Patinkin making videos to support the cause.

Kim added that James Corden made an, ‘amazing video’ that she thinks really helped them, as he asks viewers to look into Julius’ story to try to, ‘save the life of an innocent man.’

Kim adds that they need the ‘faith leaders’ to get to the governor, as Scott mentions that Bishop T.D. Jakes lead a Julius Jones, ‘faith call’ with, ‘thousands of pastors from all over the country.’

The Innocence Project was also seen tweeting about the project, with another video with Golden State Warriors coach Steve Kerr also showing his support in a video.

Kim adds that they also need the, ‘big CEOs and billionaires of Oklahoma’ to step up, as a tweet is shown from Virgin founder Richard Branson.

More tweets are shown from Killer Mike and Kerry Washington as Kim admits they really have to get Governor Stitt, ‘and push him to make this decision.’

Kim tells Scott, ‘Honestly, I’m sure if I called any athlete and said I wanted a call with them, they would pick up and think that I wanted to hook up with them,’ sharing a laugh with Scott before they both go back to work.

The day of Julius’ execution has come, as a nervous Kim is seen entering her office, adding she is ‘so anxious because Julius is supposed to be executed today at 4 PM and I’m just waiting for the governor’s ruling.’

She added that she spent the weekend talking with Julius and just, ‘talking him through different scenarios and just being a friend and just get his mind off of how serious everything is around him.’

More footage of protests are shown, as Kim is seen talking to CNN’s Van Jones over the phone, saying she talked to him all weekend.

Van says he wishes there was more they could do and said, ‘as usual, we wouldn’t be here without you.’

Kim is getting her makeup done as she can’t keep her eyes off her phone, adding in confession that she is, ‘just so nervous.’

Kim gets another call from Van, who reveals that, ‘the governor commuted his sentence,’ as Kim’s eyes light up.

‘Oh my God, are you serious?’ as Van explains it happened, ‘at the last possible freaking minute.’

More news footage shown of people celebrating the sentence being commuted and his family celebrating while Van is seen on CNN talking about it, adding they will ‘fight on.’

Kim explains Julius will now have a life sentence without the possibility of parole, and as much as this is a win, it’s still, ‘heartbreaking for Julius’ because he’s an, ‘innocent man stuck in prison for life without the possibility of parole.’

Van says on the phone that it was a, ‘complete triumph’ because of the strength of his case, as Kim adds that, ‘now it’s a different fight.’

She tells Van that his mother hasn’t even hugged him and he has never, ‘touched his children before,’ with Kim explaining in confession that Oklahoma’s death row has ‘no-contact visits.’

‘Julius has not even been able to hug his family in over 20 years, so the fact that he’s going to be reunited with his family and physically touch them, must be such an amazing feeling for a mother,’ Kim added in confession.

Hug: 'Julius has not even been able to hug his family in over 20 years, so the fact that he's going to be reunited with his family and physically touch them, must be such an amazing feeling for a mother,' Kim added in confession

Hug: ‘Julius has not even been able to hug his family in over 20 years, so the fact that he’s going to be reunited with his family and physically touch them, must be such an amazing feeling for a mother,’ Kim added in confession

Over the phone, Van says, ‘Round one to the good guys,’ as Kim thanks him for calling. Kim calls Antoinette Jones, Julius’ sister.

‘I’m peaceful, I’m calm. I got to hear from him, not too long ago. He’s doing good. He’s just saying you know it’s a new fight,’ Antoinette said.

‘I think people don’t understand if something happens to one person, it really affects an entire family,’ Kim says in confession.

Kim tells Antoinette that they are going to keep fighting for her brother and she says, ‘I appreciate you so much, and I cannot say it enough.’

Kim says in confession that it’s not going to be over until he comes home, adding the ‘goal’ is to get his sentence pardoned.

‘That is why I have to keep doing what I’m doing and that’s why I have to pass the f***ing test. I just have to get law school out of the way so I can focus and do more of this work, cause this is what it’s all about. We did it, and that makes me so happy,’ Kim said.

Did it: 'That is why I have to keep doing what I'm doing and that's why I have to pass the f***ing test. I just have to get law school out of the way so I can focus and do more of this work, cause this is what it's all about. We did it, and that makes me so happy,' Kim said

Did it: ‘That is why I have to keep doing what I’m doing and that’s why I have to pass the f***ing test. I just have to get law school out of the way so I can focus and do more of this work, cause this is what it’s all about. We did it, and that makes me so happy,’ Kim said

Kim took the next step in focusing on that kind of work, when she found out that the results of the baby bar were in. 

Kim was out eating with her kids at Red Lobster, when her assistant says that her score for the baby bar is ready and she just has to log in with her phone and check it.

‘I’m just gonna open them and see if I pass the bar,’ she says in confession as the kids all get in the car, along with Tracy Romulus.

Kim explains that she went into the car because if she was upset she didn’t want everybody staring at her.

They all say a group prayer, as Kim admits her nerves are going crazy, adding in confession, ‘you are only allowed to take the baby bar a certain amount of times. This was the last time I could ever take it, so if I don’t, this law school journey is over for me.’

She tries to log into the portal as the password fails, wondering, ‘Why isn’t the password working?’

Score: Kim was out eating with her kids at Red Lobster, when her assistant says that her score for the baby bar is ready and she just has to log in with her phone and check it

Score: Kim was out eating with her kids at Red Lobster, when her assistant says that her score for the baby bar is ready and she just has to log in with her phone and check it

She finally gets into the system as it starts loading, as Kim says it’s the ‘slowest thing’ and adding, ‘my heart is racing.’

She asks Tracy, ‘When did I take it?’ before letting out a gasp and saying, ‘I passed!’

Tracy and the kids all scream as Kim wonders if it’s real and asking Tracy to see if she passed.

Real: Tracy and the kids all scream as Kim wonders if it's real and asking Tracy to see if she passed

Real: Tracy and the kids all scream as Kim wonders if it’s real and asking Tracy to see if she passed

‘You passed!’ Tracy screams as Kim fights tears back and says, ‘I’m so happy. Like I literally didn’t think I did,’ as her kids crawl up from the back seat.

With tears streaming down her face, Kim is still in denial, adding, ‘Are you sure that said I passed?’

Tracy looks at the phone again saying, ‘It said pass. It said p-a-s-s pass,’ as Kim admits in confession she cried because, ‘I know how much time and effort I put into this.’

Passed: 'You passed!' Tracy screams as Kim fights tears back and says, 'I'm so happy. Like I literally didn't think I did,' as her kids crawl up from the back seat

Passed: ‘You passed!’ Tracy screams as Kim fights tears back and says, ‘I’m so happy. Like I literally didn’t think I did,’ as her kids crawl up from the back seat

She calls her law professor Chuck Shonholtz and tells her she passed, telling him, ‘I am so excited, Chuck I could not have done this without you.’

She tells Chuck and someone else on the call that she’s at Red Lobster because North won her first basketball game ever and she went to the car because she couldn’t wait any longer.

‘Holy s**t,’ she says into the phone, before turning back to her daughters and saying, ‘Sorry girls,’ and back to the phone adding, ‘We did it!’

Sorry: 'Holy s**t,' she says into the phone, before turning back to her daughters and saying, 'Sorry girls,' and back to the phone adding, 'We did it!'

Sorry: ‘Holy s**t,’ she says into the phone, before turning back to her daughters and saying, ‘Sorry girls,’ and back to the phone adding, ‘We did it!’

Kim adds in confession, ‘I am so happy North is here to see this because my kids know that I’ve taken time away from them to study.’

She gives North a high-five, saying, ‘Big wins today for me and you,’ adding in confession, ‘and to see that I never gave up just makes me so happy that I can show them by example that you just really can’t give up on something if you want to make it happen, because you can do it, no matter what.’

She turns her phone to the camera, showing that it reveals she passed the examination before getting out of the car and taking a big breath.

Pass: She turns her phone to the camera, showing that it reveals she passed the examination before getting out of the car and taking a big breath

Pass: She turns her phone to the camera, showing that it reveals she passed the examination before getting out of the car and taking a big breath

‘Everyone told me this was the impossible way and there was no way I would ever pass this test, and I did,’ she said in confession.

They go back into Red Lobster as the kids ask her to call their father Kanye, as the episode comes to an end, though the preview for the seventh episode teased some more drama between Kim and Kanye.

The preview shows Kim tells the family that Kanye is coming out with a new rap song and she is, ‘all in it,’ which she explains, ‘it means he’s talking mad s**t about me and probably saying whatever,’ as the trailer comes to an end.

Pass: 'Everyone told me this was the impossible way and there was no way I would ever pass this test, and I did,' she said in confession

Pass: ‘Everyone told me this was the impossible way and there was no way I would ever pass this test, and I did,’ she said in confession

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