How to remove tissue from washed clothes quickly using 39p household item

There’s nothing more aggravating than realising you’ve accidentally left a tissue in a trouser pocket when sticking clothes in the washing machine.

The pieces of tissue become a menace to get rid of, as the tissue disintegrates and leaves small balls of paper all over the laundry, as well as white marks. 

Looking for ways to remove this tissue buildup, one woman took to the Mrs Hinch Cleaning Tips and Tricks Facebook page to ask for some advice.

Charlene O’Keefe wrote: “Best way of getting tissue out of my washing? My little girl put a full roll in the machine not my clothes are covered in it.”

While some group members suggested that the pieces of tissue can be removed by shaking the items of clothing, many found that this is not effective.

Instead, cleaning enthusiasts suggested that Charlene use a common household item in a wash cycle to remove the tissue – aspirin.

Niamh Jackson said: “Sounds bizarre but I’ve thrown clothes coved in tissue in the wash again with some aspirin and it has eliminated it all. The tissue was dissolved.”

Barbara Cooper commented: “Aspirin. Put four aspirin in the wash. I had this and it was all on my joggers and hoodie. I couldn’t believe the outcome.”

Georgie Smith agreed: “I put two aspirin in when I did it with a tissue and it worked like a dream. You need to try it, it s a game-changer.”

Andrea Neal wrote: “Definitely aspirin. I put three in. It works every time for me. Not sure why or how it works, but it does.”

Julie Hay said: “Pop a few soluble aspirins in a basin of water and leave the clothes in it. 

“The tissue will dissolve. I saw this tip on this group ages ago and didn’t believe it would work but it did.”

Aspirin tablets can cost as little as 39p from Superdrug and 65p from Boots. They can also be purchased at local supermarkets such as Tesco and Asda for 50p.

To use the aspirin, to remove the pieces of tissue, households do not even need to put their laundry back on a full cycle to achieve success.

Give the affected items a little shake outside to gently dust some of the tissue off, dissolve four aspirin tablets in a bucket of hot water, and place the affected garments in it.

Leave the laundry to sit for two hours before giving the items a quick rinse in the washing machine. 

Once the quick cycle has finished the clothes should be good as new without any signs of tissue.

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