How to clean grout in minutes without bleach – use home remedy that ‘works like magic’

Cleaning grout has got to be one of the worst chores – it’s porous, hard to get to and shows every little stain.

Typical grout needs to be cleaned every four to six months due to the built-up dirt and bacteria that sits in grout lines and can potentially make the rest of the room look dirty.

Rather than reaching for bleach or a shop-bought product to clean grout, a cleaning enthusiast has shared that a “cheap” household item commonly found in bathrooms with do the trick.

Jamie Gutherson took to the Mrs Hinch Cleaning Tips Facebook page to ask what can be used to clean shower grout after not seeing amazing results when using the Pink Stuff Paste.

He said: “What can I use for grout cleaning on walk-in showers, please? Pink Stuff Paste has worked a little, but hasn’t got it all out.”

Stephanie Laughlin suggested: “Shaving foam, cheaper the better. It works like magic on stained grout.”

Shaving cream is a household hero that people can use for a lot more than sprucing up their appearance.

Spread an even layer of the foam on the stained grout and leave it to sit for a few minutes. Then use an old toothbrush to scrub away at the dirt.

Even Lynsey Crombie, aka Queen of Clean, suggests using shaving foam to whiten tile grout.

She said: “The humble can of white shaving is a fantastic cleaner and is so cheap if you stick to buying supermarket’s own branded logo.

“Squirt the foam into the grout lines and then either using a recycled toothbrush or a small grout cleaning brush and scrub in.”

She advised households to leave the foam to sit few minutes and then wipe it clean with a microfibre cloth.

The cleaning expert added: “It really is as simple as that and the good thing about using shaving foam is that it is perfectly safe for children and pets.”

Shaving foam can be picked up from Boots for £1, at Asda for £1.10 or at Tesco for £1.35.

Households can also use baking soda with water to create a paste to remove grout stains. Apply that to the grout lines and then spray it with a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and water. 

The paste will start to foam as it works loose the dirt. Wait until it has finished foaming, then scrub it with a wire brush and rinse it with water. has tested the baking soda hack on stained grout and found it to work extremely well.

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