Hippy crack drivers face police blitz after spate of accidents | Politics | News

Police want new laws allowing them to prosecute drivers high on laughing gas, following a spate of accidents.

The legislation would make it an offence to be in charge of a vehicle while possessing the drug, officially called nitrous oxide and also known as “hippy crack”.

Nitrous oxide is an anaesthetic used in medical and dental settings that can create a feeling of euphoria or uncontrollable laughter for a short time.

Users typically inhale the gas from a balloon or paper bag.

Police have found tell-tale silver canisters used to store the drug in car footwells, but say it is almost impossible to prove a motorist has been driving under the influence of the drug.

West Midlands Police have written to the Department for Transport warning new laws are needed.

In a paper highlighting the problem, Assistant Chief Constable Mike O’Hara said: “Drug driving remains an increasing challenge and the prevalence of nitrous oxide anecdotally appears to be an increasing factor in many collisions that police are responding to.”

West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner Simon Foster said: “It’s proving hard for police to test for the drug, as it leaves the body so quickly.

“On occasion officers will even find empty nitrous oxide gas canisters in the footwell of a vehicle, but still struggle to prove it has been inhaled.”

A Home Office spokesperson said: “Drug driving is utterly unacceptable, and we are concerned about the rise in health and social harms of nitrous oxide. We are banning nitrous oxide by making it a class C drug by the end of the year.

“We are also working closely with the police and local authorities on how to further improve our roads enforcement and reduce casualties.”

It is currently illegal to produce, supply or import nitrous oxide for recreational use, but not to possess it.

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