Heatwave forecast: Maps show Britain bathed in 29C scorcher as hot weather returns | Weather | News

The latest weather maps show Britain basking in warmer weather with temperatures finally approaching 30C again later this month.

While many Brits in recent days might have been left wondering what happened to the summer, a spell of hot weather is forecast from August 10, according to maximum temperature maps.

WX Charts, a leading independent forecaster, shows the mercury starting to rise from August 10 with South East England seeing a maximum temperature of 25C.

The Midlands and South West will see 23C with Wales forecast a top temperature of 21C. Northern England will be cooler while Scotland will see between 9C-14C and Northern Ireland up to 18C.

But the maps turn redder from August 11 with London and parts of the south-east expected to see up to 29C, according to WX Charts.

Most of the hot weather will be concentrated in south eastern parts of the country with London and the South East forecast a balmy, top temperature of 29C.

The southwest will see 24C, the Midlands 25C and East Anglia 26C with temperatures in Wales and northern Britain reaching at least 20C, according to WX Charts.

By August 12, maximum temperatures drop slightly, but remain in the mid to low-20Cs across much of England and Wales, maps from Netweather.tv show.

Northern Ireland will see up to 18C and Scotland 9C-14C over the same period.

Netweather.tv’s long range forecast, covering August 7-29, shows brief, settled spells around the middle of the month.

It says: “Temperatures are forecast to be slightly above average for the UK as a whole due to the warm weather in Week 3, with positive anomalies of around 1C near North Sea coasts, but nearer 0.5C in most other regions. Western areas may come out very close to the normal.

“Rainfall totals are expected to be mostly above normal, but it does not look likely to be as wet overall as we have seen during July.

“Sunshine totals are also likely to be closer to normal than we have seen during July, with the most likely outcome being close to or slightly above average sunshine in most eastern areas, but it again looks likely to be cloudier than average overall in most western areas.”

The Met Office’s latest long range forecast says towards the middle of August there is a reduced chance of low pressure dominating the weather pattern across the UK.

It adds: “Whilst a changeable pattern looks most probable, most parts could see more in the way of drier interludes.

“During the second half of August, there is a greater chance of more settled spells developing, with warmer and drier conditions becoming slightly more likely than the unseasonably unsettled weather of July.

“However, unsettled conditions are never too far away and so there will likely still be some spells of rain or showers for many areas from time to time.”

The Met Office concludes that overall, temperatures look as if they will recover to at least average, or a little above, but any “prolonged dry or hot spells appear to be unlikely”.

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