Harry and Meghan urged to ‘remain strong’ as divorce rumours ‘sadden’ fans | Royal | News

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been urged to “remain strong” and “shut out” the rumour mill about their divorce, which has gone into overdrive in recent weeks.

It’s not clear how the rumours started, but speculation started to swell in May when The Sun claimed that Prince Harry has a private room “set aside” in a luxury hotel near his and Meghan Markle’s $14.7million Montecito home for when he needs alone time.

A rep for the Duke of Sussex swiftly debunked the rumour, however, telling Page Six: “This is not true.”

Yet RadarOnline reporting alleged last week that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were “taking time apart” to heal and rebuild their marriage.

Friends of the Sussexes have rushed to their defence, with one telling Page Six: “It’s literally made up.”

And now fans have offered their support to the couple, with many taking to Twitter.

One fan posted: “It saddens me to see Prince Harry and Meghan heading for what appears to be divorce. After everything they’ve been through one can only hope the rumours aren’t true. Maybe they should spend a year abroad in Africa connected to Harry’s charities and just shut it all out?”

Another added: “I hope it’s not true that Harry and Meghan are headed for divorce. I wish they were less focused on fame and fortune and can find happiness in their little family and being normal Americans.”

A third user insisted that Harry and Meghan “are still a strong couple”, while another urged the pair to keep their chin up, praising how they “have remained strong” throughout.

Ms James told the Mirror that while Harry and Meghan have not been as tactile as they have been in public previously, some of the pair’s rituals are still “alive and well”.

She said: “Harry and Meghan have been a walking testimony to marital bliss. Their face-gazing looks of mutual adoration and their inability to not touch, hug, stroke or clasp hands with each other for longer than a few moments has always proved that however controversial their comments, their love was an ongoing success story.

“Their two most current appearances together show them snapped on the hoof. The car photos do appear to suggest the hand-holding ritual is still alive and well (although the hands themselves are hidden their arm positioning does suggest the gesture ends in a clasp).

“Her wide smile when she is with Harry looks like a statement, a social gesture to let fans know her life is still happy and perfect, although his expression is a bit more muted.”

The divorce rumours come after the Sussexes’ £15 million deal with Spotify ended abruptly before their “Archetypes” podcast could see a second season.

This was reportedly due to a lack of good ideas for shows, with Harry understood to have pitched interviews with Donald Trump, Mark Zuckerberg, Vladimir Putin and Pope Francis, leaving executives “puzzled” as the Duke’s thought process.

Sports podcaster Bill Simmons — one of Spotify’s most senior execs — even called the prince and the former actress “f***ing grifters” after the deal broke down.

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