Harness the power of your SATURN RETURN*

When superstar Adele put her divorce down to planetary upheaval, the world raised a collective eyebrow. Talking of the breakdown of her marriage, she cited her ‘Saturn Return’, saying: ‘When that comes it can rock your life. It shakes you up a bit: Who am I? What do I want to do? What makes me truly happy? All those things.’

Astrologers smiled knowingly; it’s a famously difficult time. But what, you may well ask, is a Saturn Return?

In short, it refers to the time in your life when the planet Saturn returns to the position it was in at the moment you were born. It happens around the ages of 29, 58 and then, if you’re lucky, around 84. The dates are approximate because planets don’t always move around the sun at the exact same rate.

(To find out when your Saturn return is, go to astrocal.co.uk/saturn- return-calculator/)

So why the potential for carnage? As those who follow astrology will know, Saturn is the great teacher of the zodiac. The serious taskmaster that challenges us: ‘Oh, so you think you want to do X or Y? OK, well here are a few tests, to see if you’re serious about what you say you want to do.’

As Adele (pictured) put her divorce down to the ‘Saturn Return’, four UK-based women reveal how the planetary upheaval rebooted their lives  

Think back to when you were 29 or 30. How was it for you? Was it a turning point in your life, by any chance?

Personally, I was working on an infamous show as an assistant producer, and it had the most toxic air I have ever had the misfortune to breathe.

Of course, everything happens for a reason. Had that show been a little less vile, I might well have stayed in TV. However, I decided to return to the world of print and writing, which is how I ended up combining my love of writing with my love of astrology.

Yes, Saturn’s return can have you tearing up your old life and starting again, but that doesn’t mean we should fear it. Put it this way, Adele re-emerged from hers by releasing the first song from her latest album, which smashed the record for the UK’s most streamed song ever.

To understand how your Saturn Return works, you need to know this: on the day you were born, Saturn was somewhere on the 360 degrees of the zodiac. As you might know, there are 12 signs. So divide the 360 degrees of the zodiac by 12 signs and you get 30 degrees per sign.

Therefore, when you were born, Saturn may have been — for argument’s sake — at 3 degrees of Aquarius, or 12 degrees of Gemini or 23 degrees of Leo. After you were born, though, Saturn kept moving.

It went on to the next sign and the one after that and so on for about 29 years, at which point it had gone around the entire zodiac, one degree at a time, before finally returning to the exact same degree where it was when you were born; hence the name Saturn Return.

The belief is that once Saturn has been all the way around your chart, you have been tested and taught in all parts of your life — relationships, work, finances. You have also learned about the hard work required to achieve your goals.

Forget turning 18 or 21 — I believe Saturn Return is when we actually become adults. As a result, I would advise people ideally not to marry before their Saturn Return.

Rather than trying to be the person others think we should be, our first Saturn Return is when, like Adele, we ask, ‘Who am I? What do I want to do?’ This is the making or breaking of a person. If you’re not happy, it’s when you may decide, ‘Enough is enough. I have to change.’

Astrologer Yasmin Boland (pictured) advises people not to marry before their Saturn Return

Astrologer Yasmin Boland (pictured) advises people not to marry before their Saturn Return 

Saturn has a fearsome reputation. It’s the karmic planet of reaping what you sow. It demands you do as you said you would.

If you have become arrogant, it will cut you down to size. Saturn is the stench of reality up your nose. When we say pride comes before a fall, this planet is often the cause of that fall. Although it’s the first Saturn Return that garners most attention, the second one is just as important. This takes place around the age of 58.

Perhaps the most prevalent feeling is, ‘It’s now or never!’ At this point, we may really start to feel our years. We are getting older and we can’t pretend we’re not. Whatever we have yet to accomplish, well, we had jolly well better get on with it.

There can be lows and a feeling of burden. Unresolved issues can re-emerge and, like Adele, we may temporarily lose the plot. We are only reaping what we have sown.

It all sounds rather dour, and it can be. Saturn is sometimes a rather dour planet. However, the second Saturn Return can also be seen as the start of the rest of our lives, the so-called third chapter. Now we can plan for older age.

We have hopefully done the hard yards, been responsible, accomplished things we can be proud of personally or professionally, and now we get to assume our position as more of an elder, a wiser one, and maybe even an expert in our field.

If you’re lucky enough to make it as far as your third Saturn Return aged 84, this is time to glory in the undisputed wisdom of old age. Make this last Saturn Return count! Here, four women describe how Saturn’s return rebooted their lives . . .


Holly Anne Blake, 37, an artist, lives with her partner Tom, 33, and their three-year-old daughter in Tea Green, Hertfordshire. She says:

Holly Anne Blake, 37, (pictured), who lives in Tea Green, Hertfordshire, claims she made friends, created a new career and found romance after her Saturn Return

Holly Anne Blake, 37, (pictured), who lives in Tea Green, Hertfordshire, claims she made friends, created a new career and found romance after her Saturn Return 

I recently found the journal I kept when, aged 29, my life totally changed — it reads like the plot of a blockbuster movie.

On paper I had a nice life — a good job in TV, a new flat with my devoted boyfriend of six years. But I’d begun to feel bored and like I wasn’t living the life I wanted.

I had a four-hour daily commute and every evening I’d come home to my boyfriend sitting in front of the TV.

Suddenly, everything was grey — the walls, the carpet, the desk in my office and the buildings outside. There was nothing joyful.

It was only when I reached rock bottom, ashamed that I couldn’t find happiness in a life I’d built myself, that my blinkers fell off. I told myself that maybe I should do all the things I dreamt of doing. I bought guide books for far-flung countries, which I hid from my boyfriend. When I found the strength to broach the subject, he said, ‘What will you do when it fails?’ I realised he wasn’t coming with me.

One night, after an argument, I secretly booked flights, telling myself I’d see how I felt in the morning. I woke up and instantly knew it was the right thing to do. I ended my relationship and walked out the door.

I flew from London to Bangkok on bonfire night. Fireworks lit up the sky as the plane left the UK and my old life behind.

My mum had paid for my first tarot card reading when I was 16 and I’d seen the same woman for years in my 20s — she had warned me about my Saturn Return so I sensed that was happening. I knew from what she had told me that it would feel easier and more joyful the less I resisted the big changes it was bringing my way.

During the three months I spent travelling, I didn’t have one moment of regret. It was one of the best times of my life. I made friends, created a new career as an artist and had a romance too.

In my early 30s, I met a wonderful partner and went on to become a mum too. Thanks to my Saturn Return, I’ve created a life I love.


Caroline Duddridge, 62, a retired teacher, lives in Cardiff. She has five children and six grandchildren. She says:

Caroline Duddridge, 62, (pictured), who lives in Cardiff, said she began behaving like a rebellious teenager during her second Saturn Return

Caroline Duddridge, 62, (pictured), who lives in Cardiff, said she began behaving like a rebellious teenager during her second Saturn Return 

I’ve lived through two Saturn Returns and emerged as a very different woman each time. In my late 20s, I’d just given birth to my second child and was growing frustrated with my husband’s family visiting dawn until dusk.

Normally a shy, timid young woman, I shocked my husband by telling him he needed to stick up for me.

After that, things changed, and we went on to have three other children too.

Sadly, my husband died in 2015 aged 67 of pancreatic cancer when I was 55. He was my rock, so the grief was the hardest thing I’ve ever been through.

Over the next few years, however, I underwent what I can only describe as a personality transplant. I behaved like a rebellious teenager.

Looking back, it was my second Saturn Return. It was like I’d woken up from a long sleep. Here I was with five children and six grandchildren and now I had got the chance to think about me.

I discovered colourful outfits and now have a wardrobe full of flowery dresses. I also dated younger men who I met at my new salsa-dancing classes. I suppose you could say I went a bit off the rails.

I went on a girlie holiday to Croatia. I’d never been away with a girlfriend before. It was exciting and liberating and inspired me to book my first cruise. I’ve been on another four cruises since then.

My second Saturn Return has taught me I am entitled to this rich and fulfilling part of my life.


Sarah Dunkley, 34, lives in Dartford, Kent, with husband Ben, 34, a civil servant, and their two daughters, Eleanor, four, and Grace, two. She says:

Sarah Dunkley, 34, (pictured), who lives in Dartford, Kent, shed almost 10st and reversed type 2 diabetes over two years

Sarah Dunkley, 34, (pictured), who lives in Dartford, Kent, shed almost 10st and reversed type 2 diabetes over two years

Two weeks after my 28th birthday, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I was overweight but otherwise in good health and it came as a real shock.

I’d lost a baby at 11 weeks into my pregnancy and the doctors couldn’t understand why. They did some tests and said diabetes was likely to blame.

Still grieving, I was burdened with being one of the youngest cases of type 2 diabetes the doctors had ever seen. It was a real wake-up call.

I was determined to reverse the diagnosis and received help from the hospital diabetic unit to do so. With their help, I went from having a sedentary life as a nursery teacher and eating a sugar-laden, carb-heavy diet to exercising for 30 minutes daily and a lean, plant-based diet, which I still follow today.

Over two years, I lost almost 10 st. The diabetes was reversed and I’m now in full remission and medication-free. It was a huge challenge but, to my surprise, I summoned inner strength to achieve it.

If that wasn’t enough, I also married at 29 and went on to have two children.

It was one of the nurses at the diabetes clinic who linked these changes to my Saturn Return.

Something about those words really spoke to me and so I started to look into it.

At first, I didn’t tell anyone about the astrological influence — we’re not that kind of family.

But now I am ready to acknowledge it is a phenomenon and one we can all use to our advantage.


Beverley Jones, 58, a business coach, lives in South Wales. She says:

Beverley Jones, 58, (pictured), who lives in South Wales, got engaged on the brink of her second Saturn Return

Beverley Jones, 58, (pictured), who lives in South Wales, got engaged on the brink of her second Saturn Return 

After my first Saturn Return, when I was 28, I got married and was promoted to managerial level at the photographic lab where I worked. I experienced a surge of confidence and felt really driven.

My marriage ended in my early 30s. But my second Saturn Return has been even more momentous. Covid had a huge impact on the business I set up 11 years ago and I suffered a crisis of confidence. I was close to giving up, but all of a sudden I decided to rebrand and move forwards instead.

However it’s my personal life that has been most revelatory. Ten years ago I started dating an old flame. We’d first gone out when I was 17.

It was only on the brink of my second Saturn Return that we got engaged last Christmas.

It just goes to show it’s worth taking risks.

Moonology Diary 2022 by Yasmin Boland (£12.99, Hay House) is out now.

Interview by Samantha Brick 

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