Freedom Day: Sydney, NSW leaves lockdown as Aussies flock to open pubs, shops and salons

Sydneysiders trapped inside their homes for the past 106 long days couldn’t wait another minute to get back into the swing of things, flocking to pubs, pokie rooms and even hair dressers on the stroke of midnight.

NSW has finally been released from its gruelling Covid lockdown with double-dosed residents now allowed to hit the streets and see their mates after the state smashed its 70 per cent vaccination target last week prompting the stay-at-home orders to lift at 12:01am on Monday.      

The milestone means most business can return to trading once again but with some capacity limits in place.

Long-suffering venues across the city welcomed back patrons with open arms on a weekday evening in October that felt more like a New Year’s Eve celebration prior to when the coronavirus pandemic gripped the world, cutting off friends and separating families.   

A staff member at Sydney's City Tattersalls club pops the cork of Champaign bottle as the clock hits 12:01am

A staff member at Sydney’s City Tattersalls club pops the cork of Champaign bottle as the clock hits 12:01am 

A patron at Sydney's City Tattersalls club shows a staff member her vaccination status before entering the venue

A patron at Sydney’s City Tattersalls club shows a staff member her vaccination status before entering the venue

Some punters at Sydney's Tattersalls club just couldn't wait another minute to get back amongst the action after being cut off from mates for 106 long days

Some punters at Sydney’s Tattersalls club just couldn’t wait another minute to get back amongst the action after being cut off from mates for 106 long days

Customers must prove their vaccination status when they enter any venue in NSW or they will be refused

Customers must prove their vaccination status when they enter any venue in NSW or they will be refused

A couple in Sydney toast to their new freedoms as the state's gruelling lockdown measures are lifted

A couple in Sydney toast to their new freedoms as the state’s gruelling lockdown measures are lifted

A server wearing a face mask places a glass of sparkling wine down on the table as the celebrations get underway

A server wearing a face mask places a glass of sparkling wine down on the table as the celebrations get underway 

It's all smiles for these three mates who are captured enjoying a beer and some food on their first night out in months

It’s all smiles for these three mates who are captured enjoying a beer and some food on their first night out in months

With only double-dosed residents allowed to enter non-essential venues in NSW, police set up a late-night roadblock along Parramatta Road as well as other main routes into the city to prevent unvaccinated lockdown rules breakers from heading into the CBD to join the festivities.

It’s been a particularly miserable three and half months for the coronavirus-ravaged Harbour City with residents subject to extremely harsh restrictions including the 5km travel bubble and even curfews in parts of the heavy-hit west.

But with horror winter months in the rear view mirror and the state prepared to ‘live with the virus’, it’s now party time once again. 

A staff member at Sydney’s Tattersalls club in the CBD welcomed patrons inside by popping a Champaign bottle.

Ecstatic revellers had smiles from ear to ear as they rushed inside proudly flashing their digital Covid-19 vaccination certificate at the door to gain entry.

In the west, hundreds of excited locals arrived en masse at Canterbury Leagues Club with huge lines sprawling way out into the parking lot.

Even further west in Blacktown, there were similar scenes at Kmart.

Hundreds of midnight shoppers queued up for about 50 meters to get into the discount store which has only been allowed to operated using click and collect services during the lockdown.

Hundreds of excited locals arrived en masse at Canterbury Leagues Club with huge lines sprawling way out into the parking lot (pictured)

Hundreds of excited locals arrived en masse at Canterbury Leagues Club with huge lines sprawling way out into the parking lot (pictured) 

Guests just couldn't wait to get back into the popular community club (Canterbury Leagues, pictured) after three and a half months away

Guests just couldn’t wait to get back into the popular community club (Canterbury Leagues, pictured) after three and a half months away

Beer keg after beer keg was rolled into pubs and clubs across Sydney in preparation for tonight's reopening

Beer keg after beer keg was rolled into pubs and clubs across Sydney in preparation for tonight’s reopening

There were incredible scenes at Kmart in Blacktown (pictured) with hundreds lined up into the car park to go shopping at the discount chain

There were incredible scenes at Kmart in Blacktown (pictured) with hundreds lined up into the car park to go shopping at the discount chain



If you’ve had both shots of the vaccine you can now travel beyond the 5km bubble.

Sydneysiders can now move about anywhere across the Harbour City as far as the Blue Mountains, Central Coast, or Shellharbour.

Those living in regional areas are free to travel throughout the state.

But intrastate travel between Sydney and regional areas is still a no-go. 


Double-dosed residents can now head back to the pub with the one person per sq/m rule in place. 

Dancing and standing up indoors is still banned, with nightclubs keeping their doors shut 


You can also have up to 10 friends inside their home or gather with 30 outdoors.


Your are now free to get a table at your favourite café or restaurant with the one person per sq/m rule also in place. 

Again, only the fully-vaccinated are allowed 


 Gyms are now open to the fully vaccinated with up to 20 people allowed to workout indoors or in a class.


You can once again browse your favourite shops with retail stores allowed to operate under the one person per sq/m rule. 


Catch a movie at the cinema with all  indoor entertainment facilities allowed to trade at 75 per cent capacity.

This means theatres are also open, as are museums. 


Personal services like haircuts are also permitted with five people allowed in the salon. 

Nail salons, barbers and massage parlours will also be open.


But pubs and clubs weren’t the only venues raring to go at midnight, with barber shops and hair dressers jam-packed with customers, along with nail salons, eateries and retail stores.

One of the most hated lockdown restrictions was the ban on hair salons which meant Sydneysiders have not been able to get their locks chopped for months. 

Some just couldn’t wait to rush in and get a new do.  

Even stores that didn’t open tonight had been taking the time to restock and clean their premises ahead of what is set to be a massive day of trade tomorrow.  

Under the eased restrictions 10 double-dosed visitors are now allowed in the home with 30 permitted to gather outdoors.

Ousted state leader Gladys Berejiklian’s original roadmap had previously set the cap at five indoors and 20 outside, however just 24 hours after being sworn into office Mr Perrottet made the call to increase the capacity limits.

He also doubled the number of vaccinated guests permitted to attend weddings and funerals with 100 people able to take part in the ceremony, but they must remain seated when eating and drinking.

Face masks are no longer mandatory outdoors with the exception of hospitality workers actively serving customers.

Gyms, cafes, restaurants, pubs, bars, non-essential retail, libraries and churches can operate under the one person per 4sqm rule but nightclubs will remain closed.

Hairdressers and beauticians will also welcome back vaccinated clients but are restricted to a maximum of five in the premises at one time.

Gyms can have up to 20 clients per class while stadiums, racecourses, theme parks and zoos can have up to 5,000 visitors.

Indoor entertainment facilities such as cinemas, theatres, music halls, museums and galleries can reopen with one person per 4sqm or 75 per cent fixed seated capacity.

Double-jabbed residents will now be able to venture more than 5km from their home with Sydneysiders able to venture anywhere across the Harbour City and even as far as the Blue Mountains, Central Coast, or Shellharbour.

Those outside of Sydney are also free to move about but intrastate travel is still off the cards between regional areas and Sydney for roughly another two weeks.

Further restrictions will be eased later this month once NSW hits 80 per cent vaccination, before freedoms open up to the unvaccinated from December 1.

Greater Sydney was plunged into lockdown on June 25 after a string of coronavirus cases in the Bondi area were linked to a limo driver ferrying international flight crew.

Health authorities drastically underestimated the speed at which the Delta variant would tear through the Harbour City with infections quickly becoming too much for the state’s contact tracers to handle. 

Since the first known case on June 16 there have been 62,847 locally acquired transmission resulting in 487 deaths.

At its height the daily case number reached a spike of 1573 prompting harsher measures were brought in across Western Sydney, including curfews, to try and stop the spread.

As supplies of Pfizer eventually started to roll in, the state’s vaccination pace skyrocketed and those soaring case rates have now dropped to below 500 cases a day.

There are now 73.53 per cent of the population over 16 who are fully-vaccinated in NSW, with a staggering 90.33 per cent already receiving their first dose.

But Mr Perrottet insists the modest changes are safe and will allow the state to get back on its feet after devastating impact of the prolonged shut down.

‘The vaccination rates… across Sydney have been phenomenal and that protects us from ever having to go back [into lockdown], but we need to continue to open in a safe way,’ he said.

‘Ultimately now, we are in a position with high vaccination rates that the people of NSW have ensured that we can live safely alongside the virus.’

But not everyone is convinced with places like Israel and Singapore forced to reinstate harsh restrictions after opening up despite having some of the highest vaccination rates in the world.

‘NSW is now in a much better position than we were a few weeks ago but we are not out of the woods yet and we really need to make sure our government and particularly our population understand that we really need a careful cautious return to normal,’ Dr Danielle McMullen NSW President of the Australian Medical Association told the Today Show.

Professor of infectious disease modelling and epidemiology at James Cook University Emma McBryde agrees cases are likely to rise, but is optimistic hospitalisations will stay low if the right health policies are in place. 

‘When NSW relaxes restrictions and allows more movement, and opens up retail there will be significantly more cases,’ Ms McBryde said.

‘But the actual number of cases is no longer the biggest concern. That’s something you track closely when you are aiming for Covid zero.

‘When we thought there was no way of keeping Covid out, the whole point of lockdowns was to keep case numbers low enough to reduce the burden on our hospital system until a vaccine arrived.

‘The key metrics now will be how many deaths there are, how many hospitalisations and the intensive care unit capacities.’  

According to the Doherty Institute, for a medium seeding situation beginning at a 70 per cent full vaccination level with low restrictions and partial testing, tracing and isolation, infections nationwide are predicted to peak at about 65,000 per day after 85 days, with deaths peaking at about 100 per day after 100 days.

According to the Doherty Institute, for a medium seeding situation beginning at a 70 per cent full vaccination level with low restrictions and partial testing, tracing and isolation, infections nationwide are predicted to peak at about 65,000 per day after 85 days, with deaths peaking at about 100 per day after 100 days. 

Revised roadmap to freedom: All the changes for fully vaccinated NSW residents after hitting 70% jab target

NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet's revised freedom plan will kick off on Monday, October 11

NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet’s revised freedom plan will kick off on Monday, October 11

Gatherings in the home and public spaces

· Up to ten visitors will be allowed in a home where all adults are vaccinated (not including children 12 and under).

· Up to 30 people can gather in outdoor settings.

Venues including hospitality, retail stores and gyms

· Hospitality venues can reopen subject to one person per 4sqm inside and one person per 2sqm outside, with standing while drinking permitted outside.

· Retail stores can reopen under the one person per 4sqm rule (unvaccinated people will continue to only be able to access critical retail).

· Personal services such as hairdressers and nail salons can open with one person per 4sqm, capped at five clients per premises.

· Gyms and indoor recreation facilities can open under the one person per 4sqm rule and can offer classes for up to 20 people.

· Sporting facilities including swimming pools can reopen.

Stadiums, theatres and major outdoor recreation facilities

· Major recreation outdoor facilities including stadiums, racecourses, theme parks and zoos can reopen with one person per 4sqm, capped at 5,000 people.

· Up to 500 people can attend ticketed and seated outdoor events.

· Indoor entertainment and information facilities including cinemas, theatres, music halls, museums and galleries can reopen with one person per 4sqm or 75 per cent fixed seated capacity.

· Indoor swimming pools open for lessons, squad training, lap swimming and rehab activities only 

Weddings, funerals and places of worship

· Up to 100 guests can attend weddings, with dancing permitted and eating and drinking only while seated.

· Up to 100 guests can attend funerals, with eating and drinking while seated.

· For those not fully vaccinated lower caps of 5 and ten apply for weddings and funerals. 

· Churches and places of worship to open subject to one person per 4sqm rule, with performers exempt from ban on singing.

· Ten person cap on choirs in places of worship and at religious services, with all performers to be fully vaccinated 


· The 5km radius will be dropped but Sydneysiders can only travel within greater Sydney – including the Central Coast, Wollongong and Blue Mountains. 

· Caravan parks and camping grounds can open.

· Carpooling will be permitted.

Non-vaccinated young people aged under 16 will be able to access all outdoor settings but will only be able to visit indoor venues with members of their household.

Employers must continue to allow employees to work from home if the employee is able to do so.

There will be revised guidance on isolation for close and casual contacts who are fully vaccinated, with details to be provided closer to the reopening date.


· Masks will remain mandatory for all indoor public venues, including public transport, front-of-house hospitality, retail and business premises, on planes and at airports.

· Only hospitality staff will be required to wear a mask when outdoors.

· Children aged under 12 will not need to wear a mask indoors.  

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