DeSantis Seeks to Be America‘s Permanent Culture-War Commissar

With Florida Governor Ron Desantis officially announcing his candidacy for the presidency yesterday in the tailor-made (if decidedly bug-ridden) media space of Elon Musk’s right-wing Twitter, we are moving through the baroque phase of right-wing American culture warfare—a moment when the shape-shifting politics of offense-taking can be trained on virtually any subject. The topic in question gets roughly tricked out as fodder for outrage—whether it’s the perpetual anti-Trump “witch hunt” that produced the adverse verdict for the 45th president in E. Jean Carroll’s suit charging him with sexual assault and defamation, or the perfidy of Bud Light, which now carries the reputation of trans-grooming among the MAGA set thanks to a short-lived campaign that put a trans social-media influencer’s image on a beer can. And whatever you do, do not get them started on the Disney Corporation and its subservience to the gay agenda.

The watchword for the DeSantis brand of culture warfare is a vision of government as both the guardian and promulgator of a very specific worldview. During a recent phone call with donors, DeSantis quoted one of his supporters who summed up his case for the nomination: “You know, Trump was somebody, we liked his policies but we didn’t like his values. And with you, we like your policies but also know that you share our values.” Of course, the policies are the values.

To see this worldview in action, you just have to consult DeSantis’s extensive legislative record. During his governorship, he has used his super-majority in the state legislature to transform it into an all-purpose factory of right-leaning culture grievance. DeSantis’s multifront Kulturkampf is now poised to go national, as the main selling point for his presidential campaign. What’s telling is that his fledgling run is not hampered by his extremist track record in the governor’s office. No, what DeSantis needs to do to loosen Donald Trump’s apparent stranglehold on the GOP primary base is to outflank Trump’s own unhinged culture-war rhetoric, which also fixates on imaginary threats to real American sovereignty from immigrants, radical educators, corporate elites and the like.

Earlier this month, DeSantis signed HB 3, a bill that forbids state officials from promoting ESG bond sales—that is, investment in companies operating under broad “environmental, social, and governance” guidelines. “We don’t want to have an economy in which these businesses are taking all these positions on political issues or using shareholder assets to advance an ideological agenda,” DeSantis said at a press conference, while standing behind a podium bedecked with the slogan “Government of Laws, Not Woke Politics.”

The specter of wokeness is to Ron DeSantis what the white whale was to Captain Ahab. The governor proudly christened his pet law banning racially themed instruction, training, and materials in Florida schools and workplaces the “Stop WOKE Act” (as in “Stop Wrongs to Our Kids and Employees”). That law, like the scores of other similarly repressive measures that have sailed through the legislature on DeSantis’s watch, posits a free-floating plague of “wokeness” foisted on a virtuous citizenry by shadowy “elites” in the schools, the corporate world, and the media-academe complex. The tireless DeSantis has held press conferences, banned books, and passed legislation to showcase his determination to rescue Floridians from the psychological torments of “wokeness.”

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