Democrat Dan Goldman Demands GOP Shut Down Probe Into Bidens: ‘This Investigation Has To End Now!’

Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) exploded during an interview on Monday night over the Republican Party’s investigation into the Biden family, demanding that it be shut down immediately.

Goldman repeatedly defended Hunter Biden and President Joe Biden during the interview on CNN with host Anderson Cooper.

“This investigation, Anderson, needs to end and it needs to end now because what we’re doing is badgering a private citizen, and there’s no legitimate legislative purpose at all,” Goldman claimed.

Goldman claimed that former Hunter Biden business partner Devon Archer told lawmakers on Monday that there was not a $5 million payment to either of the Bidens that he knew about.

“This is the taxpayer-funded defense and political arm of Donald Trump,” Goldman, who was part of Democrats’ impeachment efforts against former President Donald Trump, claimed.

“The fact that a three-committee congressional investigation is looking into the plea deal of a private citizen,” Goldman said of the plea deal that a federal judge froze last week. “By the way, a plea deal that was entered into by a Trump-appointed U.S. attorney who President Biden kept on to ensure the independence of the investigation, that they would now actually use taxpayer funds in order to investigate a plea deal is absolutely preposterous and just demonstrates how far afield this Republican Party is from the American people and what they care about.”

Goldman said that Americans do not care about allegations of corruption against the Biden family.


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