Cleaning influencer shares how to unblock sink drains without baking soda or white vinegar

A kitchen sink can easily become blocked with food and grease, whereas for bathroom sink blockages, the cause is typically hair and soap scum.

While there are a few simple solutions to remove blockages and get sinks working again, if a sink is regularly clogged, there could be a problem with how the drains were designed and installed. In that case, a qualified plumber will need to be called.

However, it is worth households trying to unblock their sink drains themselves as most of the time it is an easy fix.

Danielle Davenport, also known as @cleaningwithdanielled on TikTok, has shared a video on how to “unblock drains”.

The cleaning influencer appeared to only use a single dishwasher tablet for the task.

The video started with Danielle showing viewers how her kitchen sink was draining at a very slow pace.

She then placed a single dishwasher tablet on the plughole and poured “part-boiled water” over it.

The cleaning enthusiast insisted that only part-boiled water should be used as fully boiled water as the pipes can get damaged by the heat.

When Danielle then when to full put the kitchen sink and drained it, the water drained instantly.

Often the hot water alone will clear the drain but for stubborn blockages, the addition of the dishwasher tablet’s powerful cleaning ingredients is very effective, especially on things like grease which may be causing the issue.

A dishwasher tablet dissolved in a sink of hot water is another easy way to freshen up a sink.

The influencer captioned her video “Clogged drain? Dishwasher tablet will unblock your drains and it will eliminate any odours.”

Dishwasher tablets can be picked up from local supermarkets. They retail for £1.49 at Sainsbury’s for a pack of 30 – this works out as 5p per tablet. They can also be purchased at Tesco and Asda for £4.

Fans in the comments section liked the hack but claimed that it wouldn’t work on bathroom drains that are clogged with hair.

@andybogg wrote: “I tried it on my kitchen sink and it has worked amazingly.”

@user61698033486161 said: “I like this hack.” @brookebraw added: “Worked for me. It’s game-changing.”

When one user asked if this would work for bathtub drains, Danielle replied: “Down the tub tends to be hair build up so it could work a bit with cleaning the pipes but it won’t unblock the hair. You’ll need a pipe unblocker.”

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