Despite the broad censorship of the Constitutional Council, the first measures applied “as of this weekend”

The Constitutional Council very widely censored the immigration law on Thursday, a decision hotly contested on the right but satisfactory for the government which is preparing to promulgate the text “in the coming hours” to apply the first measures “from this weekend”. The verdict is in. Of the 86 articles in the text, 35 were totally or partially rebutted by the Sages.

“Coup of law”

Tighter access to social benefits for foreigners, annual migration quotas, tightening of family reunification criteria, “return deposit” for foreign students, etc. Most of these measures were adopted in December under pressure from the right and with the support of the far right. Emmanuel Macron immediately “took note” of this decision, which according to him “validated almost entirely” the government’s initial project, and asked Gérald Darmanin to “do everything possible to ensure that the law is applied as quickly as possible”.

The Head of State will promulgate the text “in the coming hours”, indicated on TF1 the Minister of the Interior, who summoned the prefects on Friday morning to give them his first instructions regarding controls, expulsions and regularizations.

Insufficient for far-right leader Marine Le Pen, according to whom “this very broad censorship” confirms that “only a reform of the Constitution will make it possible to respond to migration issues”. Option that the executive automatically excluded. The president of the National Rally, Jordan Bardella, denounced “a coup by the judges, with the support of the President of the Republic” who himself had contacted the Sages. At Les Républicains, Laurent Wauquiez, possible candidate for the 2027 presidential election, denounced “a legal coup d’état”.

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