Denmark is considering banning the sale of cigarettes to young people

Smoke free generation
Denmark is considering banning the sale of cigarettes to people born after 2010

Around 31 percent of 15- to 29-year-olds in Denmark smoke – that should change.

© Ruediger Rebmann/ / Picture Alliance

After New Zealand, Denmark now also wants to ban tobacco use for the next generation. Respondents agree.

Denmark is considering banning the sale of cigarettes and nicotine products to all citizens born after 2010. Health Minister Magnus Heunicke said at a press conference that this step is intended to prevent future generations from having access to tobacco. This is reported, among other things, by the British “Guardian”.

Under current regulations, Danish citizens under the age of 18 are prohibited from buying tobacco or smoking electronic cigarettes. But around 31 percent of 15 to 29 year olds still smoke, according to Heunicke. “We hope that all people born in 2010 and later will never start smoking or using products containing nicotine,” the health minister told reporters.

Smoking is the main cause of cancer in Denmark

According to the Ministry of Health, smoking is the main cause of cancer in Denmark, causing 13,600 deaths annually. According to a survey commissioned by the Danish Cancer Association, 64 percent of respondents support the plan to ban the sale of cigarettes to those born after 2010. 67 percent of respondents aged 18 to 34 were also in favor of it.

Model New Zealand

In December 2021, New Zealand announced that it would phase out the sale of tobacco from 2027 by raising the minimum age for buying tobacco. These include measures such as reducing the legal level of nicotine in tobacco products to a very low level, regulating shops where cigarettes can be legally sold and increasing funding for addiction care.

In Denmark, the social-democratic government announced that it would also take action against young people’s alcohol consumption. Accordingly, the authorities planned to raise the age limit for the purchase of alcoholic beverages from 16 to 18 for all beverages with an alcohol content of less than 16.5 percent.

Swell: “The Guardians”, “Euro News”


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