Defendant driven mad by torture, declared unfit to stand trial

Such after-effects that one of the accused of having planned the September 11 attacks will not be able to be tried. Tortured in detention, Yemeni Ramzi ben al-Chaïba, 51, went mad and was declared unfit on Thursday by the American military tribunal at Guantanamo, according to the New York Times (NYT). He was due to appear alongside four other defendants in a trial where they could face the death penalty.

Colonel Matthew McCall, a military judge, considered that his psychological aftereffects prevented him from defending himself, according to the newspaper. Doctors at the US base at Guantanamo, located on the island of Cuba, diagnosed Ramzi bin al-Shaiba with post-traumatic stress disorder and psychotic features, as well as delusional disorder.

“Invisible Forces”

Military psychiatrists said his condition made him “unable to understand the nature of the proceedings against him or to cooperate intelligently” with his legal defense team, the New York Times. Ramzi ben al-Chaïba has complained for years of being “tormented by invisible forces which vibrate his bed and his cell and which prick his genitals, depriving him of sleep”, adds the newspaper.

His lawyer claimed his client was tortured by the CIA and driven insane as a result of what the agency called “enhanced interrogation techniques,” which include sleep deprivation, simulated drowning (waterboarding) and beatings.

On Friday, he was scheduled to participate in pretrial proceedings with Khaled Sheikh Mohammed, considered the mastermind of the September 11 attacks, and the three other defendants, all of whom have been detained for more than fifteen years at Guantanamo and have still not been tried in court soldier responsible for doing so. The preliminary hearing on Friday was continued, according to the NYT.

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