Death of a sixty-year-old in the crash of his ULM

The sixty-year-old fell 200 meters high. A 64-year-old man died Friday evening in a microlight accident in Auvers-sur-Oise (Val-d’Oise), the department’s firefighters and gendarmerie said this Saturday. The pilot of the ultralight motorized aircraft was alone on board, specifies the Val-d’Oise departmental fire and rescue service.

The victim was accompanied in his flight by another microlight. The pilot of this second aircraft witnessed the accident and quickly notified emergency services. The victim died despite the intervention of firefighters. She was found in the middle of a field in Auvers-sur-Oise, said SDIS 95. The air transport gendarmerie brigade (BGTA), in charge of the investigation, went to the site to carry out the findings.

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