Darmanin bans a conference deemed Islamist

“On my instructions, the Bouches-du-Rhône police prefect banned an Islamist conference which was to be held in Marseille with “preachers” known for their positions contrary to the values ​​of the Republic,” Gérald Darmanin tweeted this Monday, the minister of the Interior.

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In his order, the Marseille police prefect, Pierre-Edouard Colliex, motivated his decision by the fear of “the emergence of serious disturbances to public order”, due to “opposition” to this event on the part of ” the extreme right “.

This conference was to be given by Imam Ismaïl and had the theme “living together”, according to its organizers. The precise location was kept secret. In 2023, this imam had already seen four of its seminars and conferences be banned.

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