Dance routines with granddaughter: Tiktok grandpa Frank has 7 million followers

Watch the video: Funny dance routines with granddaughter – Tiktok Grandpa Frank has seven million followers.

Tiktok and Co. are no longer just for the younger generation. Grandpa Frank is now a superstar on TikTok – over 7 million people are already following him.
He uploads funny videos of all kinds to his account and doesn’t take himself too seriously – typical TikTok and yet very different. After this video featuring his granddaughter Kiera went viral, “Grandad Frank,” as he calls himself on Tiktok, has been recognized even on the street. Frank created his account back in 2019. As the Daily Mail reports, he says: “Me always been a kind of performer.” When his granddaughter convinced him to create a TikTok account, he didn’t know much about the platform. Today, millions of people enjoy the humorous dance and song performances of the funny TikTok star, who may be a little older than his social media colleagues, but no less entertaining.

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