customs make a record seizure in Millau valued at 9 million euros

When customs officers checked a van on January 19 in Millau, Aveyron, they certainly did not expect to make a seizure of this magnitude. Hidden among several boxes, a black bag contained a white crystal-like powder. The members of the brigade then decide to carry out tests, which react quickly, in particular to ketamine and
” bath salts “, substances that mimic the effects of ecstasy.

The bag weighs 613 kg. Customs officers then send samples to a specialized laboratory in Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône) which reveals to them that it is cathinones, a synthetic drug. According to the calculations of the regional customs department, this merchandise could sell for 9.194 million euros.

An exceptional seizure, “which, on this type of narcotic, has no equivalent in terms of volume in recent years in France, or even in Europe”. The driver, who came from Spain and was going to the Netherlands, was entrusted to the judicial police of Montpellier.

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