CSU in Munich: About her difficult relationship with the queer scene – Munich

At the rainbow parade on Christopher Street Day this weekend, the Munich blacks are only allowed to walk alongside. And they have to ask themselves whether the reorientation as an open, liberal city party is still in place.

From the roof terrace of the Hotel Deutsche Eiche you can look over Munich and down to the city, no matter in which direction you look, the inn is located in the middle of the city. Above all, however, it is in the middle of the Gärtnerplatz district, the area where the LGBTIQ scene in particular feels at home – lesbians, gays and bisexuals, trans, inter and queer people. Nowhere else in the city is Munich so colorful and so open. The perfect place for the CSU to sharpen their self-painted, but recently battered image of the modern, liberal metropolitan party. With a white sausage breakfast under the rainbow.

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