Crif opposes the presence of the National Rally

The Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France (Crif) takes a position three days before the march against anti-Semitism, Sunday in Paris. The organization “does not want” the National Rally (RN) to participate in the march against anti-Semitism on Sunday in Paris, declared its president Yonathan Arfi on LCI THURSDAY. “We do not want people who are heirs to a party founded by former collaborators to be present,” declared the president of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France.

“By announcing that it would participate in this demonstration, the National Rally knew that it would create controversy, that it would divert the demonstration from its main object which is the fight against anti-Semitism,” he accused, criticizing “a form of exploitation of this march which is indecent”.

The presence of Emmanuel Macron desired by Crif

After this clarification, the president of Crif also attacked LFI, believing that like the RN, the far-left party is located “outside the republican field”. “Insoumise France cultivates friendships with open anti-Semites, they demonstrate with Islamists, cultivate links with indigenous movements, they are in almost open support for Hamas, we have here the ball of arsonists,” lamented Yonathan Arfi.

“It would be good for the President of the Republic to be there,” he said again, while the presence of Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne is confirmed alongside the President of the Senate Gérard Larcher and the President of the Assembly national Yaël Braun-Pivet. “Islamism”, “hatred of Israel”, “conspiracy” fuel anti-Semitism, according to him. Faced with a “composite phenomenon, extremely threatening for French Jews”, Yonathan Arfi implores “the solidarity of all”.

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