Cough with sputum? 8 common symptoms of pneumonia

Pneumonia: These symptoms may occur

Symptoms of pneumonia can vary from person to person and often depend on the Severity of the disease and the Type of pathogen that causes the infection. The most common symptoms include:

  1. Cough and sputum: One of the most common symptoms of pneumonia is a persistent cough. This cough may initially be dry and then progress to a productive cough with sputum. The sputum may be clear, yellow, green, or even bloody, depending on the cause of the pneumonia.
  2. Fever and chills: Fever is another common symptom of pneumonia. The body responds to the infection by increasing body temperature. The fever can reach up to 40 degrees Celsius. Chills often accompany the fever.
  3. Difficulty breathing: Difficulty breathing is an alarming symptom. Affected individuals may experience shallow or rapid breathing.
  4. Blue lips, nails or fingers: In severe cases, severe breathing difficulties and bluish lips or nails may occur. Because: Blue lips or fingers are a sign of a lack of oxygen. They can occur with severe pneumonia.
  5. Chest pain: The chest pain associated with pneumonia is often sharp and stabbing. They occur due to inflammation in the lungs and can worsen when breathing or coughing.
  6. Fatigue and weakness: The condition can cause extreme fatigue and general weakness. Affected individuals feel exhausted and may not even have the energy to complete everyday tasks.
  7. Confusion and Disorientation: In severe cases, pneumonia can cause confusion and disorientation, especially in older adults. This is a serious symptom that requires immediate medical attention.
  8. Loss of appetite and weight loss: Due to general malaise and fatigue, a decrease in appetite and unwanted weight loss may occur.

Also read: Recognizing pneumonia in children >>

Where does pneumonia hurt?

The pain of pneumonia is often noticeable in the chest, due to inflammation of the lungs. This results in sharp, stabbing pain that may worsen when breathing or coughing.

>> How contagious is pneumonia?

How do you recognize pneumonia without fever?

Pneumonia without fever is called atypical pneumonia designated. It is less common than pneumonia with fever, but can still be serious.

Symptoms of atypical pneumonia include:

  • Cough
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Chest pain
  • Headache and body aches
  • fatigue
  • chills
  • nausea
  • Vomit

This is how pneumonia is treated

Treatment of pneumonia usually includes Antibiotics if the cause is bacterial or antiviral drugs if the cause is viral. Home remedies can also help with pneumonia.

However: Serious cases may require one Hospital admissionprimarily when difficulty breathing or other life-threatening symptoms occur.

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