Costs for nursing home residents have increased significantly – Bavaria

The financial burden on nursing home residents increased significantly in Bavaria in 2023. AOK Bayern announced on Tuesday in Munich that total costs grew by almost twelve percent to an average of 2,181 euros per month last year. The personal contribution that those affected have to pay has increased in the Free State by 16.3 percent to an average of 964 euros – although the residents receive surcharges from the nursing care fund that are intended to limit their own contribution. In 2023, this surcharge averaged 618 euros per person. As of January 1, 2024, the surcharges have been increased further.

Irmgard Stippler, CEO of AOK Bayern, criticized the fact that people living in nursing homes have to pay for the training costs of staff. “It is difficult to understand why the costs of tasks for society as a whole are passed on to those in need of care instead of being financed through tax revenue,” said Stippler, referring to the financial burden on those affected, which continues to increase despite surcharges.

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