Corona virus in North Korea – these states are still free from SarsCov2

North Korea is the 232nd country on the list of affected states. For the first time, the leadership of the dictatorship has acknowledged the occurrence of the corona virus in the country (Read more here) – around two and a half years after the first cases of a then-mysterious lung disease appeared in neighboring China. The consequences for the approximately 26 million North Koreans cannot yet be foreseen.

The Sars-CoV-2 pathogen has been around the world since the end of 2019. It first reached Thailand from China, then Japan, and finally the United States on January 23, before the virus ate its way through Europe. On January 28th it arrived in Germany. An employee of the automotive supplier Webasto was infected by a colleague from China, followed by carnival in Heinsberg, lockdown, Tönnies, second wave, third wave, vaccinations, Delta, 3G etc. etc. – the corona virus became an everyday companion in almost all countries of the world.

After a fall in North Korea: These states see themselves as corona-free

As of May 11, 2022, the World Health Organization counted a good 516 million registered coronavirus infections and around 6.3 million deaths worldwide – the number of unreported cases is likely to be much higher in both cases because the survey differs significantly from country to country and also in countries with efficient test strategy, not all infections can be detected. (Note: The WHO also counts states, nations, countries or territories whose status as a state is disputed or which are in association with other states.)

Some states have still managed to keep the virus out of their territory, at least officially. In the reports of the WHO there is a disdainful zero for them. But at least for one country, the statement is highly dubious.

See the corona-free states in the photo series above – and read how they have been able to keep the virus out so far.

Sources: World Health Organization (1), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, CIA World Fact Book, government of Great Britain (1), UK Government (2), government of Tokelau, “Turkmen News”, Human Rights Watch, World Health Organization (2)DPA news agency


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