Corona, pregnancy and the desire to have children: why vaccination is so important – health

Right from the start, people were concerned that vaccination could lead to a loss of fertility. Researchers have now closed the knowledge gaps – but skepticism remains. What you need to know about it.

Last summer, when the seven-day incidences were low and the lines at the vaccination centers long, questioned the Robert Koch Institute around 1000 adults in Germany for Covid vaccination. At the time, every second person stated that they were unsure whether the vaccines would also be safe if they wanted to have children. Correlations between the vaccination and the desire to have children were even noticed in the study as one of the topics where the greatest uncertainty prevailed. Something similar happened with one opinion poll of the British opinion research institute “Find Out Now” from January 2021 with more than 55,000 participants: Every fourth woman between 18 and 34 years of age said she hesitated about getting vaccinated against Covid-19 – for fear of negative effects on her Fertility.

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