Corona pandemic: Lauterbach: No contamination through the back door

corona pandemic
Lauterbach: No contamination through the back door

Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD). Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

A rising incidence and the number of infections at a persistently high level are causing uncertainty and concerns for some about political plans. The Minister of Health is now trying to counteract this.

Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach (SPD) has countered allegations that the government is doing too little to prevent the spread of the corona virus and serious illnesses. Many citizens wondered whether an infection was coming through the back door, the minister wrote on Twitter on Saturday. “No,” he assured – the seven-point plan he presented in June to prepare for the fall is already under way. This includes, among other things, “an infection protection law that is sufficient for all levels of infection,” emphasized the SPD politician, adding: “I’m happy to forego vacation for it”.

With a view to medicines that are intended to prevent serious illness in risk patients, the minister wrote: “We have the medicines and do not use them. It changes.” We are in contact with the medical profession. The drug Paxlovid has been on the market in Germany since February. The remedy is intended to counteract severe courses. The head of the German Association of General Practitioners, Ulrich Weigeldt, was rather skeptical in an interview in June. He told the editorial network Germany at the time: “Paxlovid can be very helpful for a small group of high-risk patients, but it is not a “game changer” for the general public.” The drug has a number of interactions and must also be taken very early in the disease.

Lauterbach’s statements were widely commented on Twitter.


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