Corona pandemic: England drops masks – corona measures are expiring

corona pandemic
England drops masks – corona measures expire

Almost all pandemic measures in the UK are being lifted. Photo: Peter Byrne/PA Wire/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

Facilitation for vaccinated travelers and no longer compulsory masks indoors: While Great Britain is phasing out the pandemic measures, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are more cautious.

Despite the high number of corona cases, England has again lifted almost all of the pandemic measures that are still in force.

As of today, masks are no longer compulsory in most indoor areas in the largest part of Britain, and vaccination or test certificates, which are only used at major events and in clubs, no longer have to be checked. The recommendation to work from home also no longer applies.

Boris Johnson’s government has phased out the so-called Plan B measures introduced because of the omicron variant after the number of new corona infections had fallen rapidly since the beginning of January. A number of backbenchers in the ruling Tory party expressed their rejection of the corona measures with a rebellion in the House of Commons in December.

There will also soon be further simplifications for vaccinated travelers: From February 11th, the mandatory test that was previously required after arrival in the country will no longer apply. In the British capital London, however, masks are still compulsory on trains and buses. Some supermarkets continue to call on their customers to do so.

In the past few days, new infections have leveled off at a high level – between 80,000 and 100,000 new infections are reported every day, the seven-day incidence was around 945 (as of January 21).

Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland decide independently on their corona policy and choose a slightly more cautious path.


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