Corona news ticker: will MV rely on the 2G rule in the future? | – news

Status: 11/12/2021 7:52 a.m.

In the live ticker, will inform you today – on Friday, November 12, 2021 – about the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic for Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Hamburg. You can see what happened yesterday in the Thursday’s blog read up.

The essentials in brief:

  • RKI calls for fewer contacts and the cancellation of major events
  • Special session: MV-Kabinett is advising today on 2G
  • Spahn and Wieler provide information about the corona situation
  • In Denmark applies 3G again from today
  • Nationwide seven-day incidence rises to a new high of 263.7
  • Reported new infections in the north: 2,143 in Lower Saxony, 511 in Schleswig-Holstein

Tables and graphics: This is how the vaccination campaign is going in the north
Map: New infections in the northern German districts

07:52 am

Reisinger: Pandemic fatigue and unvaccinated people contribute to maximum values

According to the Rostock infectiologist Emil Reisinger, the enormous increase in the number of corona infections in recent times can also be attributed to increasing pandemic fatigue among people. “The AHA rules and the wearing of protective masks are being observed less and less despite the acute threat,” he told the German press agency. It is known that the most important protection against infection after vaccination is wearing masks. The virus is particularly rampant among the unvaccinated. Also affected are people who were not vaccinated to the extent necessary. Science goes from up to ten percent of so-called vaccination failures, said Reisinger. These people did not produce enough antibodies. However, it can be observed that for many of them a third spade, the so-called booster vaccination, leads to a significant increase in antibodies.

07:35 am

False-positive corona rapid tests: Hamburg is changing provider

In the past 14 days, there have been false-positive corona test results at 300 Hamburg schools, and at 126 of them there were more than five false results. This caused confusion and concern among parents and students. The school authorities now want to change the provider of the corona tests. These were possibly triggered by a simple cold. Annoying in such a case: the affected children first have to go home until a PCR test provides clarity. Here too, according to the authorities, there is a reaction: The verification with the PCR tests should now be accelerated.

additional Information

After an accumulation of false-positive corona rapid tests in schools, Hamburg’s school authorities change providers. more

07:20 am

RKI: reduce contacts, cancel major events

In view of the increasing number of corona infections in Germany, the Robert Koch Institute is calling for more restrictions. In their weekly report, the experts write that contacts should be reduced to a minimum. Large events should no longer take place. The agency also appeals to everyone to keep wearing masks and to keep their distance.

07:15 am

2,143 new infections registered in Lower Saxony

For Lower Saxony, the Robert Koch Institute today reported 2,143 new infections with the corona virus confirmed by laboratory diagnostics. A week ago it was 1,607. Five more deaths have been recorded. The seven-day incidence averages 113.7 cases per 100,000 population (previous day: 105.5, previous week: 94.8).

06:01 am

Nationwide seven-day incidence rises to 263.7

The Robert Koch Institute reports 48,640 new positive tests. That is over 11,500 cases more than on Friday a week ago, when 37,120 new infections were reported. The seven-day incidence rises to a high of 263.7 – from 249.1 the previous day. A week ago the value was 169.9. Another 191 people died related to the virus. This increases the number of reported deaths to 97,389 within 24 hours.

05:50 am

Special session: MV-Kabinett is discussing the 2G model today

The state government of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is coming together for a special cabinet meeting today because of the increasing number of corona infections and more and more Covid patients in the clinics. It should also be a question of whether the 2G rule should be used more intensively. In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, the 3G rule currently applies in many areas – that is: vaccinated, recovered, tested. 2G means access only for vaccinated and convalescent people to all leisure activities and non-essential services. As a government spokesman said, the meeting should also discuss the areas in which 2G should apply in the future.

additional Information

The building of the state chancellery and the castle as the seat of the state parliament of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania can be seen in Schwerin.  © dpa / picture alliance Photo: Jens Büttner

It should be discussed whether and in which areas the 2G rule should apply. In addition, the corona warning light is to be revised. more

05:50 am

Report: Austria, the Czech Republic and Hungary are becoming risk areas

Because of the high incidence of corona, the federal government apparently wants to declare Austria, the Czech Republic and Hungary to be high-risk areas. According to a report by the Funke media group, the classification should take place today and come into force on Sunday. Individual municipalities in Austria would therefore be excluded. The seven-day incidence in Austria was most recently over 700 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. In Upper Austria the value reached almost 1,200. Travelers from high-risk areas must be quarantined for ten days. Vaccinated and convalescents can avert quarantine if they submit proof of convalescence or vaccination to the German authorities prior to their entry.

05:50 am

What rules apply to Hamburg’s Christmas markets?

The first Hamburg Christmas markets will open in the coming days. Most of them are freely accessible – subject to the usual distance rules and mask requirement. The Corona regulations for gastronomy apply to the consumption of food and drinks; these areas are separated. There, the operators decide whether to apply the 3G or 2G rules. Several operators have also opted for a flat 2G regulation for the entire market.

VIDEO: Corona protective measures for Christmas markets in Hamburg (3 min)

05:50 am

Spahn and Wieler provide information about the corona situation

The acting Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) and the President of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Lothar Wieler, want to inform about the critical Corona situation from 10.30 a.m. today. Due to the drastic increase in the number of infections and pollution in some clinics, additional protective measures are increasingly being considered. The likely government partners SPD, Greens and FDP meanwhile want to discuss in a technical discussion with experts about speeding up vaccinations.

05:50 am

From today onwards, 3G will apply again in Denmark

Denmark relaxed its corona rules in September. Due to the increased number of infections, the 3G rule will apply again in many places from today. When entering the country, tourists still have to pay attention to a few things. has compiled a FAQ.

additional Information

Yellow and red holiday homes are by the sea in Denmark.  © imago images Photo: Dirk Hinz

In Schleswig-Holstein’s neighboring country, some easing is being scaled back – as of today, the 3G rule has been in effect again in many places. more

05:50 am

Hamburg: North Church commemorates the corona dead with a service

At a memorial service in Hamburg’s main church St. Petri this afternoon, the victims of the pandemic will be remembered. According to the Protestant Northern Church, the event is particularly aimed at relatives and friends of people who have died of or with Corona. Nursing and support staff from homes and hospitals are also invited. After the service there is also the opportunity for visitors to speak to pastors.

05:50 am

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Especially in times of the corona pandemic, remains your reliable source of information. In addition to this live ticker, we also keep you up to date from Monday to Friday every afternoon with the NDR newsletter about the events from a northern German perspective. To subscribe free of charge, just enter your email address.

05:50 am

Schleswig-Holstein: Incidence rises to 94.5

The seven-day incidence in Schleswig-Holstein has risen again. The state registration office currently has a value of 94.5. The day before it was still at 89.4, the previous week at 73.0. This means that the number of new corona infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days is still significantly lower than the national average. The number of new infections was given as 511, after 588 the previous day and 417 a week ago. Three new deaths were added, 1,750 deaths related to Covid-19 have been registered since the beginning of the pandemic.

The seven-day incidence in Schleswig-Holstein is still highest in Kiel. There she climbed to 120.8. The lowest value was recorded in the Steinburg district with an incidence of 55.9.

05:50 am

Service: Determine the incidence value for your place of residence

The seven-day incidence of new corona infections is also on the move in northern Germany. If you want to know what the incidence is in your city or in your county, just type in your zip code here.

05:50 am

Corona live ticker starts on Friday

Good morning! will keep you up to date today – on Friday, November 12th – about the effects of the coronavirus pandemic in northern Germany. In the ticker you will find all the important news and also content from the NDR radio and television programs. You can see yesterday’s events in Read Thursday’s blog.

FAQ, podcast and background

A sign indicating the 3G rule ("Vaccinated, tested, recovered") stands in front of a bar.  © picture alliance / dpa Photo: Oliver Berg

The 2G and 3G rules for interiors are implemented differently in the northern countries. The hospitalization rate is now decisive for assessing the situation. more

Vaccinated in Northern Germany

How many people in northern Germany have received a corona vaccination so far? Current figures on the vaccination rate. more

A plaster sticks on a young woman's arm.  © Colourbox Photo: Csaba Deli

The virologist Christian Drosten provides expert knowledge in the podcast Coronavirus Update – together with virologist Sandra Ciesek. Here is an overview of all the episodes. more

A compilation of pictures: Christian Drosten, a bottle of Cocid 19 Vaccine, an old woman who is being tested for a corona test.  © picture alliance, colourbox Photo: Michael Kappeler

At the end of 2019, a previously unknown lung disease breaks out in China. A few weeks later there is the first case in the north. more

A laboratory assistant is sitting at a microscope in a darkened laboratory © Colourbox

The corona pandemic has massively changed everyday life. What else has to be considered? What is being researched? Questions and answers. more

The coronavirus blogs for reading

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