Corona News Ticker: Social Association calls for mandatory testing for clinics and homes | – news

As of: November 2nd, 2021 7:21 am

In the live ticker, will inform you today – on Tuesday, November 2, 2021 – about the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic for Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Hamburg. You can read yesterday’s news in Monday’s blog read up.

The essentials in brief:

  • Social association VdK calls for compulsory testing in homes and hospitals
  • Hamburg Transport Association (HVV) needs 200 million euros because of Corona
  • New infections reported in the north: 591 in Lower Saxony, 234 in Schleswig-Holstein – nationwide 10,813

Tables and graphics: This is how the vaccination campaign is going in the north
Map: New infections in the northern German districts

07:21 am

VdK wants testing for clinics and homes

In view of the increasing number of corona outbreaks in care facilities and hospitals, the social association VdK demands that all visitors and employees must test. “Such an obligation is urgently necessary regardless of the vaccination status. The number of infected people is rising again across Germany, at the same time people who have been vaccinated and those who have recovered can also transmit the virus. It must therefore now be acted quickly,” said VdK President Verena Bentele. Bentele called on politicians to adopt such a test obligation. “As soon as this requirement has been met, facility managers and clinic directors must ensure that free tests are offered to all visitors and employees and only those who have tested negative are allowed access. Human lives are at stake.”

07:00 a.m.

RKI reports slightly decreased incidence

The nationwide seven-day incidence of new corona infections has fallen slightly for the first time in two weeks. However, it is still unclear whether there have been delays in reporting by individual health authorities because of yesterday’s public holiday. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported an incidence of 153.7 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days. The previous day the value was 154.8. The seven-day incidence had risen steadily over the past two weeks. According to the latest information from the RKI, 10,813 new infections and 81 further deaths related to the virus were recorded within 24 hours.

06:44 am

Loss of income during the pandemic: HVV needs an additional 200 million euros

This year, taxpayers will have to pay more money for the Hamburger Verkehrsverbund (HVV) than ever before. As NDR 90.3 learned, the Senate needs 200 million euros in addition to compensate for the loss of income because of the corona pandemic.

additional Information

This year, taxpayers will have to pay more money for the Hamburger Verkehrsverbund than ever before. more

06:21 am

Lower Saxony recorded 591 new infections

In Lower Saxony, the number of infections has risen by 591 within 24 hours to a total of 321,620 since the beginning of the pandemic. 265 new coronavirus cases were registered yesterday, 609 a week ago. Seven people suffering from Covid-19 died. The seven-day incidence is 77.9.

05:55 am

234 new infections reported in Schleswig-Holstein

The authorities have registered 234 new corona cases in Schleswig-Holstein (previous day: 118; previous week: 252). The seven-day incidence of new infections drops slightly to 70.6 (previous day: 70.9; previous week: 61.9). The Duchy of Lauenburg has the highest incidence with 107, while it is lowest in Steinburg with 37.5. 19 Covid-19 patients are treated in intensive care units in the state, nine of them are ventilated. The incidence of hospitalization is 1.86.

05:50 am

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05:50 am

Service: Determine the incidence value for your place of residence

The seven-day incidence of new corona infections is also on the move in northern Germany. If you want to know what the incidence is in your city or county, just type in your zip code here.

05:45 am

Corona live ticker starts on Tuesday will keep you up to date today – on Tuesday, November 2nd – about the effects of the coronavirus pandemic in northern Germany. In the ticker you will find all the important news and also content from the NDR radio and television programs. You can read yesterday’s messages in Read Monday’s blog.

FAQ, podcast and background

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