Corona: New Bavaria rules! Clubs closed, all Christmas markets canceled, curfew

Curfew, contact limits, disco ban: New corona measures are intended to reduce the exorbitant numbers in Bavaria. An overview.

Munich – New corona shock: Bavaria goes into lockdown light. All discos, bars and pubs will be closed again next week. All Christmas markets are canceled. The coalition of the CSU and Free Voters agreed a few minutes ago, like that Munich Mercury exclusive experience with Markus Söder before the press conference. The Christmas market in Munich had already been canceled.

Corona: Bavaria goes into lockdown light – all Christmas markets canceled

Bavaria uses an opening clause in the Infection Protection Act. Because incidences and hospitalization are increasing dramatically, but the vaccination rate is lower than in many other countries, the Free State is taking significant steps beyond the federal regulation. Internally, Prime Minister Söder (CSU) described the situation on Friday as dramatic. His coalition partner, who has always been skeptical about stricter rules, is also going along the way.

In addition to closing Christmas markets, Bavaria’s coalition wants to limit contacts again from the middle of next week. The following contact restrictions apply to unvaccinated people: A maximum of five people from two households are allowed to come together. Children under the age of twelve and those who have been vaccinated are not included.

Corona rules in Bavaria: curfew, clubs and eateries

For everyone – whether vaccinated or unvaccinated – there is a new curfew. Dining rooms remain open, but only for vaccinated and convalescent people. Pubs, discos, clubs and brothels, however, are closing.

The major events are being scaled down. In the future, only a maximum of 25 percent of the audience will be allowed. You are supposed to wear a mask. This is likely to affect football stadiums in particular, but also culture. Closures in culture (unless there is a hotspot area) are currently not planned. However, the 2G-Plus rule applies to sports and cultural events as well as leisure facilities and trade fairs.

Bavaria: Universities and body-related services threaten 2G

In addition, the 2G rule is to be expanded. For example, only those who have been vaccinated and those who have recovered should have access to body-friendly services such as hairdressers and universities. Exceptions to the 2G rule apply to retail, provided there is only one person per ten square meters, and to services in the medical, therapeutic and care sectors.

Corona in Bavaria: These rules apply to hotspot areas

In corona hotspots, in which the situation has gotten completely out of control – i.e. with an incidence over 1000 – there should be further measures. Leisure, sports and cultural events in these areas are to be prohibited. Gastronomy, sports and cultural venues as well as restaurants and hotels are threatened with closure. The lectures at universities should only be digital. The trade remains open, but with a limit of 20 square meters per person. The protective measures should be ended when the region has an incidence of less than 1000 for five days and the trend in the corona value goes down, like that Munich Mercury has experienced.

School closings in Bavaria? – These are the planned rules

Comprehensive school closings are currently not planned according to the agreement of the Bavarian coalition. It remains with face-to-face teaching. The day-care centers and kindergartens also remain open, but the tests here are to be expanded and improved. In addition, a mask should be worn in school sports.

Corona in Bavaria: Söder announces new rules

You need a “breakwater”, Söder said on Thursday evening. For Bavaria this means that strict measures apply, which should also be controlled with increased police operations. But it is not a tough lockdown for everyone, as Austria has just launched. The state government has constitutional concerns here. The state parliament should vote on the new measures on Tuesday. A majority by the CSU and Free Voters is considered certain there, so far the Greens have also supported many measures – despite considerable criticism of details and communication.

All of these measures are in effect until December 15th. The disaster remains. Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) said: “The corona drama continues. The situation is overwhelming and is getting worse. ”

From Christian Deutschländer

List of rubric lists: © Sven Hoppe / dpa

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