Corona measures: Dehoga wants a uniform opening plan for gastronomy

Corona measures
Dehoga wants a uniform opening plan for gastronomy

A hotel restaurant on the Fichtelberg in Saxony. Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

Closing times, access rules – the gastronomy complains about the Corona measures. The industry association wants nationwide easing – as soon as possible.

With a view to the next prime ministerial conference on the Corona crisis, the Hotel and Restaurant Association (Dehoga) is calling for a Germany-wide opening plan for the catering industry.

“Since it is becoming apparent that Omikron is not overtaxing the healthcare system despite high incidence values, the federal and state governments should quickly agree on a nationwide opening plan, if possible as early as mid-February at their next conference,” said Dehoga general manager Ingrid Hartges of the “Rheinische Post”. “We call for the lifting of the 2G Plus rule in the catering trade,” she said.

“The evening blocking times at 10 p.m. as in Bavaria and in five other countries should be abolished immediately, because the sense is not revealed,” said Hartges. Clubs and discotheques should also be reopened very soon, she demanded. The next federal-state round is scheduled for February 16.


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