Corona, cold or flu – these are the differences between the symptoms

The throat hurts, the nose runny – is it corona or a harmless cold? This cannot be clearly identified from the clinical picture alone. It is important to note that.

A sore throat and cough are typical of this time of year. As soon as the throat starts to scratch, many are currently wondering whether a corona infection is behind the looming disease. So much in advance: The complaints caused by the coronavirus, flu viruses or harmless colds are sometimes very similar. It is therefore not possible to determine unequivocally which pathogen is present on the basis of the symptoms alone – even experienced doctors cannot. Only a test, ideally a so-called PCR test, which detects even small amounts of virus, can provide certainty. In any case, sufferers should cure themselves at home with symptoms of illness of any kind and avoid contact.

The severity of the disease also says nothing about the infection. In some cases, corona or flu infections are very mild or even symptom-free, while other sufferers hardly get out of bed for days or weeks. The current vaccines against corona or flu can prevent many infections, but they do not offer 100 percent protection. Therefore, in rare cases, people who have been vaccinated can also become infected with the pathogen. In this case, however, you have very good protection against severe courses.

Nevertheless: There are some symptoms or characteristics that can be attributed to one or the other pathogen. Around every fifth person with corona develops problems with the sense of smell or taste. Occasionally, colds or flu illnesses can cause these complaints – albeit in much rarer cases. An overview.

Symptoms of corona diseases

Which pathogen is behind it?

Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2

What are common complaints?

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) cough (42 percent), fever (26 percent) and runny nose (31 percent) are the most common symptoms of corona disease. Around every fifth person affected also develops problems with the sense of smell or taste (19 percent). Sometimes both senses are affected.

What other symptoms can occur?

Pneumonia will develop in about one percent of cases. Other symptoms include a sore throat, shortness of breath, headache and body aches and loss of appetite and even weight loss. Some sufferers develop gastrointestinal complaints and complain of nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting or diarrhea. Conjunctivitis, skin rashes, swollen lymph nodes, indifference and drowsiness are also observed.

Is there anything else to consider?

There is no single, classic corona course. The complaints, their severity and duration can vary greatly from person to person. After an infection, it takes an average of five to six days before the first symptoms of the disease appear. It is estimated that at least one in ten formerly infected people develops long-term consequences, known as “long covid”.

Symptoms of seasonal influenza

Which pathogen is behind it?

Seasonal influenza viruses, of which four different lines circulate around the world

What are common complaints?

Classic influenza symptoms are fever, headache, muscle or body aches, cough, sore throat and a strong feeling of illness. A sudden onset of illness is typical.

What other symptoms can occur?

Flu sufferers can also feel weak, develop sweats and runny nose, and less often they also have nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Severe courses can be associated with bacterial pneumonia, but the flu virus itself can also trigger pneumonia.

Is there anything else to consider?

After an infection, the first symptoms appear very quickly, after about one to two days. However, not all infected people develop the typical symptoms. According to the RKI, about a third show a course with fever, a third a lighter course and the last third a course without symptoms. With mild to moderate courses, the symptoms improve after about five to seven days.

Symptoms of a cold, also known as “flu-like infection”

Which pathogen is behind it?

More than 30 different pathogens, mostly rhino, adeno or corona viruses

What are common complaints?

“A cold comes for three days, stays for three days and goes for three days” – as goes an old saying. Typical symptoms are a sore throat, runny nose and cough.

Collage: two women embrace, joggers in the park

What other symptoms can occur?

In rarer cases, a cold can lead to a fever or high temperature.

Is there anything else to consider?

Colds are uncomfortable, but are usually mild. Unlike Covid-19 and the flu, there is no vaccination against a cold.

Basically: A doctor should be consulted, especially in the case of stronger symptoms, a pronounced feeling of illness or persistently high fever.

Sources: Federal Center for Health Education / Robert Koch Institute (RKI)

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