At the Trump trial, the defense attacks the number one accuser

Lawyers for the former president of the United States have sought to paint the worst possible portrait of his former confidant turned number one accuser, Michael Cohen.

An inveterate liar with an unquenchable thirst for revenge: at Donald Trump’s criminal trial, his lawyers sought to paint the worst possible portrait of his former confidant turned number one accuser, Michael Cohen, during cross-examination without pity Thursday May 16. The one who described himself as a man of bad luck, capable of “lie” or“intimidate” on behalf of his former boss, is the key piece of the puzzle deployed by New York prosecutors to show that Donald Trump approved the concealed payment of $130,000 to porn actress Stormy Daniels, at the very end of the presidential campaign of November 2016. Because it was Michael Cohen, at the time Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, who paid the money to the actress to buy her silence about a sexual relationship that she claims to have had in 2006 with the Republican billionaire, and which the latter denies.

“I agreed to take my responsibilities”

During his testimony, Michael Cohen claimed to have acted on orders from his former boss, to ensure, he said “that the story would not come out, and would not affect Donald Trump’s chances of becoming president of the United States.” And he assured that Donald Trump validated his reimbursement in 2017, expenses disguised according to the accusation as “legal costs” in the accounts of the Trump Organization, Donald Trump’s real estate holding company. It is for these alleged cover-ups that Donald Trump has been appearing since April 15 for accounting falsifications, crimes which could earn him the first criminal conviction of a former president of the United States, a possible earthquake for the Republican candidate for the House -White, even if he will still be able to face the voters on November 5.

But Michael Cohen is not worthy of belief, wanted to demonstrate the defense lawyer, Todd Blanche, under the eyes of the former president and a group of Republican elected officials who came to support their presidential champion even in the Manhattan courtroom. The lawyer questioned Michael Cohen at length about his lies before Congress in Washington in 2017, separate facts from the current trial, to which he pleaded guilty in 2018 and was sentenced, along with other crimes, to a sentence of prison which landed him for 13 months behind bars. “I agreed to take my responsibilities”replied Donald Trump’s former counsel, on his third day of testimony.

Ego injury

The lawyer listed numerous other episodes where Michael Cohen, according to him, had come to terms with the truth, before casting doubt on the veracity of his testimony. Supporting telephone data, Todd Blanche wanted to demonstrate that Michael Cohen had “lied” by ensuring that he informed Donald Trump that the Stormy Daniels affair was buried at the end of October 2016. “It was a lie. Admit it,” he said, his voice firm. Upset, Michael Cohen still maintained his version. The defense also insisted on the ego injury that the witness would have felt, when, once Donald Trump entered the White House on January 20, 2017, he had not been recruited, and his desire for revenge since that he was caught by justice. “You better believe in my will to bring down” Donald Trump, the jurors were able to hear in full audience, an excerpt from a podcast by Michael Cohen in 2020.

Since April 15, the trial has forced the Republican candidate for the 2024 presidential election to sit and listen to the proceedings in silence, in a courtroom with dated decor on the 15th floor of the Manhattan court. But his ordeal could soon end. His defense confirmed Thursday that it has at this stage only one witness to call, an expert in campaign financing laws, and maintains doubt about possible testimony from Donald Trump himself. Judge Juan Merchan told the parties to prepare for closing arguments starting Tuesday, with cross-examination of Michael Cohen expected to conclude Monday. Her testimony followed that of Stormy Daniels, who forcefully delivered her version of her relationship with Donald Trump and the reasons which pushed her to negotiate her silence. Other protagonists were also called to the stand, such as the former boss of a tabloid who had “bought” other scandals to prevent them from tarnishing the Republican candidate.

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