Conviction of a madman who took refuge in his home after injuring a man

The scene shocked L’Hôpital, in Moselle. On May 3, a forty-year-old stabbed a man in the back who came to bring him food, before retreating into his apartment and setting it on fire. He was sentenced to three years in prison by the Sarreguemines criminal court, we learned on Wednesday from the prosecution.

The man, born in 1983 and suffering from paranoid schizophrenia, was late in his treatment at the time of the events. Tried for violence and damage to property, he was sentenced on May 15 to three years in prison as well as five years of socio-judicial monitoring, said Olivier Glady, public prosecutor of Sarreguemines.

Already convicted six times

On May 3, the Raid intervened in this small town of 5,000 inhabitants in eastern France to arrest him. The man had previously been convicted six times, including four times for acts of violence.

“In July 2020, [il] had disfigured with a chopper an 18-year-old young man who had refused him a cigarette,” reports The Lorraine Republican. Experts determined that he was eligible for criminal sanction.

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