Construction industry: When wood is suddenly in short supply – economy


Christina Kunkel and Benedikt Müller-Arnold

“Raw materials of the future” series

Ceiling, first floor, parcel 1, Ruppert, 831. On the left behind the entrance gate of the Weber Haus production hall, it lies in its individual wooden parts, a family’s dream of owning a home. In the air lies the sweet, tart smell of freshly sawn wood. Sometimes it is so loud in the hall that production manager Jürgen Peter can only explain what is happening there from a little distance from the machines. You can imagine it like a big puzzle, the pieces of which are created within just two and a half days, at stations called balcony production or ceiling assembly, where many robots and a few people assemble entire walls including the windows. The packages with the puzzle pieces are then loaded onto large trucks at the other end of the hall and driven to their destination. The Ruppert family’s house should also be built in just one day.


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