Commuter traffic: Free pretzels for commuters in Baden-Württemberg

rush hour
Free pretzels for commuters in Baden-Württemberg

The state government of Baden-Württemberg once again this year lured commuters onto bicycles with free pretzels in order to make commuter traffic more climate-friendly. Photo: Bernd Weißbrod/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

The campaign cost taxpayers almost 60,000 euros: 130,850 pretzels were handed out to all those who cycled to work…

With free pretzels, the state government in Baden-Württemberg tried again this year to lure commuters onto bicycles and make commuter traffic more climate-friendly.

Tasty for the cyclists, but not for nothing for the taxpayer: Because according to the Ministry of Transport, the participating bakeries received financial support of 45 cents per free pretzel, plus costs for staff and advertising materials. In the end, the total expenditure was 58,882.50 euros, according to a response from the ministry to the AfD parliamentary group.

The feast before pedaling was popular, however: around 130,850 pretzels were handed over the counters. However, the number is not yet final.

In the first days of June, around 660 bakeries took part in the “Pendlerbrezel” campaign of the state’s own Radkultur initiative. In order to receive the pretzels, cyclists had to show their bicycle helmet in the branch or their bicycle in front of the shop as proof.


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