community noted Might not be the first Bitcoin transaction to buy pizza?

With the approach of Bitcoin Pizza Day, the community began to share and question whether the initial Bitcoin transaction actually bought pizza, with some users noting that the first Bitcoin transaction was likely used to purchase the image. JPEG

As everyone knows, Bitcoin Pizza Day, May 22, was the first transaction to use Bitcoin (BTC) as payment. But now there seems to be some doubt about the first Bitcoin transaction.

Bitcoin’s first transaction was to buy JPEG images?

Sabunir who tried Bitcoin transactionspostOn the forum that he was willing to sell his desktop wallpaper for 500 BTC (about $1 in 2010), he posted on January 24, 2010:

“If you want to buy a picture, transfer coins and send me a private message stating the time of transfer. I will reply to your private message with a link to the picture. The pictures I sell are my own creations. It has a resolution of 1280×960, which is perfect for desktop background. My address is 1BHtsCnpmTvpgJEP7eMKEVhpJFunxSM8vq. If someone is interested, I may present more pictures.

Satoshi also posted a response to questions raised by the community in this forum, explaining the technical limitations of transactions on the Bitcoin network.

However, Sabunir users do not seem to be able to sell wallpapers, so he posted a question on Feb. 9, 2010, and one user replied on Feb. 10, 2010: Don’t bother to buy because good wallpapers are available for free.

But on February 24, 2010, it was revealed that Sabunir’s wallet had two transactions: received 100 BTC and 500 BTC.

source Blockchair

If that’s true, it’s the first transaction of Bitcoin, not a pizza, but the community has speculated that it’s more likely a donation rather than a sale.

At the time it was not possible to add text to Bitcoin transactions, but now with Ordinals Technology it is possible to input data such as text, audio, video in Satoshi units. Interested readers can view

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