Comment: There needs to be a substantive discussion


As of: January 23, 2024 5:50 p.m

The verdict on the NPD shows that the state won’t put up with everything. This does not relieve citizens, but also the parties, of their responsibility. Enemies of the constitution such as the AfD must be confronted with content.

The Federal Constitutional Court has provided clarity, but it does not release us from responsibility. The state doesn’t just have to blindly distribute money to parties that want to abolish it. But the ruling also showed that the legal hurdles to cutting off party funding are high, even for a small, right-wing extremist party.

As with a party ban, the procedures take years. Even with the former NPD (now “Die Heimat”), which is openly racist and anti-Semitic. And which has written down its anti-constitutional goals in the party program. When it comes to dealing with the AfD, this can be deduced from this: Legally taking away the ground from them is conceivable – but difficult and time-consuming.

Proof is much more difficult for AfD

Proving that the right-wing populists are acting systematically across the board to eliminate the free democratic basic order is a mammoth legal task. Especially since the AfD is smarter than the dull former NPD. Because Björn Höcke and Co are anti-constitutional in spirit. Proving this in court and across the board is likely to be much more difficult.

In addition to evidence that can be used in court, the right time would also have to be found. Otherwise, legal ban proceedings will become popular campaign ammunition for the AfD.

Demonstrations will not be enough

With the ruling on the NPD successor party, the Federal Constitutional Court has shown its ability to protect the free-democratic basic order. But it does not release society from responsibility. Responsible citizens must defend democracy with commitment.

The nationwide demonstrations against the AfD and right-wing extremism are an initial encouraging sign of this. But that won’t be enough to change the climate of opinion.

Provide the AfD with content

The centrist parties must finally start to provide the AfD with content. You have to make it clear what it means for your own wallet if AfD leader Weidel is currently speculating about Germany leaving the EU. They must speak openly about the EU’s problems. But they also have to make clear the dramatic consequences that an exit from the EU would have for Germany as an export nation: customs barriers instead of the internal market, the euro is over, EU freedom of movement is over, unemployment is rising – German prosperity is being destroyed.

The centrist parties must make it clear what it means for our prosperity if no more foreign skilled workers come into an aging society. When the doctor, the nurse, the software engineer are missing just because the AfD dreams of throwing a large number of people of foreign origin out of the country. Outrage alone is not enough.

Rely less on populism

There needs to be a consistent substantive debate with the populist simplifiers of the AfD. The centrist parties must enter into discussions with potential supporters: the content is convincing, steadfast against breaking taboos and right-wing extremism.

This requires politicians who explain their decisions better and reach more people. We need politicians who argue less in the open and rely less on populism. Broad social compromises and lasting political commitment on site are needed. And yet it will take years to restore lost political trust. Legal proceedings before the Federal Constitutional Court will only help in extreme emergencies.

Uli Hauck, ARD Berlin, tagesschau, January 23, 2024 4:00 p.m

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