Comment on the nutritional strategy: Eat and let yourself be eaten


As of: April 11, 2024 6:33 p.m

The question arises why we in Germany are actually waging a culture war over currywurst George Schwarte. After all, the government’s nutrition strategy is just an offer – and could have been much stricter.

We obviously don’t understand the speed limit or eating. When a red-green-yellow federal government wants to implement a nutrition strategy, collective blood pressure rises as it usually only does when cholesterol levels are too high. Which, by the way, definitely have something to do with nutrition.

Ask your doctor or pharmacist. This doesn’t even require a federal government that is now trying to provide “good food for Germany”. That’s what the whole thing is called.

No tax on sugary drinks

63 billion euros. This is the annual cost to society as a whole of obesity in Germany. Now please don’t gasp: These are just the facts, there’s no need to get upset again.

If you want, you can now have a cola to calm you down. Nobody is forbidding this. We don’t even have a soda tax on sugary drinks – as has been very successful in Great Britain since 2018. On the other hand, we bravely believe in the voluntary commitment of shower manufacturers. It’s hilarious.

Keyword sugar tax: six EU countries have something like this. Even France. Imagine eating like God in France – that’s also possible with a sugar tax. These are just the facts.

And a chocolate bar on top. Nobody wants to ban it either. Not today. And not in ten years. Free travel for free citizens – even with shopping carts. Everyone can continue to buy bad food as much as they want. Cram in so much sugar. Make every day a schnitzel day. And only on Fridays is there currywurst.

Just one offer – everything remains permitted

In other words: The 52 pages of nutrition strategy are not the ten commandments. They are – unfortunately – just an offer. Nevertheless, 15 percent of children are overweight. 8.5 million people in this country suffer from diabetes. Sorry, just the facts. Then – exactly – now I’d like a few chips to relax.

The nutritional strategy – it is the tiny attempt to make it easier for those who want to eat healthier – and yes, better too. To protect the climate and yourself too. You can find it stupid. Everything remains permitted.

It could have been much sharper

More organic. Yes and? Why not? If it’s possible. Less meat? If you want, do it! Nutrition lessons at school? Good idea. Better standards in the canteen and cafeteria? Who is seriously against it? It’s not a matter of either or: green kernels or gyros. Healthy or tasty.

Why are we waging a culture war over currywurst in this country, which is otherwise so fond of regulations? Because vegetarians, vegans and flexitarians put everyone else in a bad mood? Who is an ideologue now?

“Eat and let eat” could have been the overriding approach to this very cautious nutritional strategy, which could have been much stricter. But then it’s like with kebab: a matter of taste.

Editorial note

Comments generally reflect the opinion of the respective author and not that of the editorial team.

Georg Schwarte, ARD Berlin, tagesschau, April 11, 2024 6:00 p.m

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