Comedian Tania Dutel filed a complaint against Seb Mellia for “rape”

Little by little, women’s voices are being heard in the stand-up world where, for months, testimonies of sexist and sexual violence have been recounted in the media. Most are anonymized so as not to disrupt the careers of women, who are already poorly represented. But some finally decide to speak, like this Monday, the comedian Tania Dutel.

The comedian, present on the airwaves of France Inter, published this Monday on his Instagram a complaint against Seb Mellia for “rape”. The photo is accompanied by the following description: “Now you know… I’m counting on your industry supporters to take a screenshot and send it to you.”

A preliminary investigation already launched

According to a recent Mediapart surveycomedian Seb Mellia was already the subject of a preliminary investigation by the public prosecutor’s office following a complaint filed in 2019. An investigation published last March by Telerama revealed the testimonies of eleven women reporting inappropriate behavior, sexual assault or rape.

In January, Seb Mellia defended himself on social networks claiming to be “shocked” and “devastated”. “If I may have offended some of my partners in the past and unintentionally through inappropriate behavior, I deeply regret it and apologize to them. However, there are lines that I have never crossed and I deny all accusations of rape.” The comedian has not yet reacted to the announcement of the complaint.

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