Colombia: Four dead in grandstand collapse. – News abroad

Death drama in the bullring

At least four people died when part of a stadium grandstand collapsed in Colombia. More than 60 people were injured, Governor Ricardo Orozco said.

“Right now we have four confirmed dead – two women, one adult male and one minor – and about 30 people seriously injured,” said Ricardo Orozco.

A three-year-old child was among the dead, as the head of the State Institute for Family Welfare, Lina María Arbeláez, later announced on Twitter.

A video released by newly elected President Gustavo Petro shows a grandstand in El Espinal collapsing and people flee in panic.

The city is a good 150 kilometers southwest of the capital Bogotá. It was initially unclear why the wooden grandstand collapsed.

A bullfighting event called “Corraleja” took place in the arena for the Peter and Paul festival. Hundreds of people were in the audience.

According to a report in the newspaper “El Tiempo”, a bull spread panic in the streets of the city after the incident.

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