Coinsquare, Canada’s Largest Crypto Exchange reveals that customer personal data has been breached

Coinsquare which is one of the trading websites cryptocurrency Canada’s largest revealed that customer data may have been breached But the company claims that customer assets are “safe in cold storage and pose no risk.”

Coinsquare, which calls itself a “Canada’s trusted platform to buy, sell and trade Bitcoin, Ethereum and more securely,” an email to customers yesterday reported. “data incidents” in which unauthorized third parties have access to customer databases containing personal data;

According to the email, The breach involved “customer names, email addresses, residential addresses, phone numbers, date of birth, device IDs, public wallet addresses, transaction history and account balances.” But Coinsquare discovered the breach last week. and notify customers via Twitter.

“The password is still safe. We have no evidence that this information was disclosed by an adversary,” the email said.

Coinsquare has suspended activity on its platform after a vulnerability was discovered last week. This makes predictions about possible liquidity problems. Due to FTX’s massive explosion earlier this month. But the exchange resumed full operations on Friday.according to tweetidentify

“We want to emphasize that 100% of client funds are securely stored in cold storage and are not used for business activities,” the company said.tweetO

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