Christian Zaschke from Hell’s Kitchen – Culture

Christian Zaschke wrote a weekly column from the USA for the SZ for more than two years. It was called “Hell’s Kitchen”, named after the New York district where Zaschke lives. From there he travels the country as an SZ correspondent, writing about submerged canyons in Utah and the fate of Maine’s lobsters. He tells of ladies in leopard suits who become one with nature and men in hats who cook their steaks so well that you could nail them under your boots for soles. Lately he’s been writing more about Donald Trump, for better or for worse. All exciting topics, but Zaschke never received as much mail from readers of the SZ for any of his texts as for this column, in which he tried to take a look at the world using the example of his neighborhood, located left in the middle of Manhattan . Nothing was more obvious than to collect all 108 episodes in one book.

Christian Zaschke. Hell’s Kitchen. Ullstein Verlag, Berlin 2022. 224 pages. 15.99 euros.

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